Content repackaging: extending the life of expert materials
The article content
The basis of any Internet site, regardless of what topic it is devoted to, what goods or services it offers to the audience, is content. Each owner of such resources strives to publish only high-quality, interesting materials that can attract the attention of the target audience, satisfy the requests of search bots. But among all this diversity, there are sometimes truly unique publications. Such that will combine all the characteristics that should be present in high-quality material. We are talking about an interesting and consistent presentation that involves the reader, expertise, relevance. Moreover, its effectiveness is confirmed in practice. And here it would be unwise to limit ourselves to just one publication.
A more reasonable and justified solution is to use good content as raw material for subsequent processing. You can make a number of transformations, changes and put it back into use. This way you can squeeze the maximum benefit out of the content, but at the same time save significantly on content marketing in general. In this case, we are talking about such a process as content repackaging.
As part of today's review, we will dwell in detail on what technology we are talking about in principle. We will highlight the advantages of this solution and what the business will get from it at the end. We will describe the main strategies for content repackaging so that you can assess the variety and availability of possible solutions. Let's talk about the most common mistakes users make when performing these tasks and tell you how to avoid them. The information provided will allow you to transform quality content in such a way as to get the most out of it.
Content repackaging: how effective is it?
Surely every content marketer in their practice has faced the problem of finding relevant topics for publications. Well, there are no interesting ideas, it seems that everything has already been written about and there is no point in repeating it. But you should never pause the entire process of working with content, as this will inevitably lead to a decrease in coverage, an outflow of visitors and literally pause the entire process of developing, promoting a website or other online representation of a business. So what should you do in this situation?
There is nothing wrong with repeating yourself. Moreover, periodic duplication of material is the norm in modern content marketing. But here everything needs to be implemented, so to speak, wisely. Firstly, it is important to understand that not every representative of your target audience has seen all of your publications. Moreover, the audience may be represented on different platforms and prefer different content formats. These are the very features that open up unlimited opportunities for repackaging existing materials.
Among the main advantages of this solution are:
- Ensuring stable contact with the target audience. In order for a business to work effectively, to attract a new audience and retain the attention of regular customers, it is important to be visible all the time. And this means that your publications should constantly flash on the Internet, in the feed. And if you post one large article on the site, even with enviable frequency, but at the same time ignore other channels of communication with the user audience, be it social networks, instant messengers, channels on video hosting, you will not get the desired effect. Repackage your expert materials, and you are guaranteed to generate a huge amount of content for posting on any platform.
- Strengthening the position of the online platform in search results based on relevant queries. In this case, you will be able to attract a much larger audience for the same queries, which will improve organic traffic and give a signal to search bots that your site is good in all respects and deserves worthy attention. As a result, its position in search results is guaranteed to go up.
- Significant time savings for content marketers, copywriters and other specialists. They will no longer have to delve deeply into a new topic, pull out those moments from it that can interest the target audience. And there will be no need to shoot a new video, spend time editing it, since you can break down the existing material into smaller videos. That is, in this case, all work will involve processing what you already have. In addition to everything else, the budget will also be saved here.
- Increasing the value of existing content. This is where simple math comes into play: you invested in producing the material once, but you use it many times. That is, for the same money, you get many more views. In addition, mutual placement of links is what will emphasize the importance and expertise of the content, and provide good traffic.
- Working on a common global business development strategy. The target audience of any business today is represented on different platforms. And even if you have developed a good strategy, but it is aimed only at one platform, you should not expect high results. It is necessary to cover the media space as much as possible. And repackaging good material is what will help you implement this idea as efficiently as possible and with minimal time and material costs.
As you can see, repackaging content has more than enough advantages. Therefore, consider implementing this strategy directly within your business.
What does a business get by republishing old publications?
To fully understand all the benefits that high-quality repackaging of old publications provides, we will highlight a number of key points:
- Improving user factors, which will ultimately have a positive effect on the reaction of search bots. Many users pay attention not only to the content itself, but also to the date of its publication. If it turns out that it is already quite old, the opinion will automatically be formed that the material itself is no longer relevant. But if you repackage, slightly updating this information, adding fresh data and links, then users will stay on the resource longer, will go deeper into the site and study other relevant content. Such actions will certainly be positively noted by search bots.
- Maximum targeted traffic. In the process of updating the article, you will transform it in any case, change irrelevant keywords to new ones, and this is completely new traffic. The more fully your material is disclosed, the deeper it will cover user queries, that is, search engines will automatically promote it for readers. Also, do not forget that you will cover other sites, attracting the attention of the user audience.
- Revised articles in the search will be promoted more intensively than new ones. The point is that they have already collected a certain amount of traffic, that is, they do not need to gain the entire volume from scratch. Thanks to this base, promotion will be faster and more effective.
- You get the opportunity to confirm your expertise in this topic. It is worth adding articles for revision that have already earned a certain amount of attention from the user audience, proven their authority. And the more such content is focused on your online presence, the better it will show you as specialists in your niche. This means that the level of trust will be higher both from the consumer audience and from bots.
But, once again, we repeat that it is very important to choose the right material for repackaging. In particular, bet on content that has been out for a long time, but still continues to collect traffic, you can also use an article that is very good, but too long and people rarely read it to the end. You can also try to revive articles on constantly popular topics that have stopped attracting traffic for some reason. And repackaging is a way to make important updates to current issues.
Practical recommendations for repackaging old materials
In order to get recycled high-quality material at the output, it is important to approach the implementation of the task as comprehensively and professionally as possible. Follow our recommendations to avoid missing important points and implement everything as correctly as possible:
- Collect new key queries for your article or other material. In principle, it is recommended to conduct such events regularly with a frequency of six months, maximum - a year. This is what will ensure stable relevance of your content. That is, you must understand how user queries have changed over the past period and what their priority is in the structure. We have already mentioned that new keys are new traffic, that is, you cannot neglect such opportunities.
- Make adjustments to the material itself. If you see that some of the content presented in the article has already lost its relevance, that new trends have appeared, then simultaneously make the appropriate revisions to the article, perhaps change the structure. The main thing is that at the output you receive relevant material that can interest the target audience. It may be necessary to replace numbers, graphs. Look at the existing material from the point of view of modernity and your experience. We are sure that you will have something to add to the article.
- Review the layout of the text. During the time that your material was on the Internet, a lot could have changed, including the requirements for the design of publications. Modern users are already so saturated with content that they intuitively choose only the best. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your publication stands out from its analogues. Evaluate the existing structure, the sequence of presentation of thoughts. Perhaps it makes sense to replace part of the text with some visual element. Divide large blocks into smaller ones, add lists and footnotes to them. All your changes should be aimed at making the final article visually appealing and easy to read.
- Re-link the article. This will not only increase the depth of reading, but also extend the audience's stay on the site. If you already had internal links, review them, redirecting the audience to newer and more relevant material.
- Be sure to launch an announcement of the updated article. The fact that you make adjustments to the existing material or take steps to modify it, alas, will not give anything if you do not tell your audience about it. Therefore, it is important to re-publish the material, changing the date in it and making a note that the text has been updated and supplemented with relevant information. Otherwise, misunderstandings may arise, especially with an audience that has been with you for a long time and is familiar with your publications.
By implementing these recommendations, you can minimize potential errors and risks when launching repackaged material.
Methods for repackaging content that can be used in practice
Continuing to discuss the topic of repackaging content, we will tell you what activities can be carried out with your material in this case. We have divided all possible methods of its transformation into 3 separate categories:
- Republishing material on other platforms.
- Reprocessing content from authoritative resources.
- Changing the format of existing content.
- Changing the volume of content for certain sources.
Let's consider all the solutions that we have added to each of them. Note that you do not have to publish all the received materials immediately. You can include them in the overall marketing strategy, initially promoting one format, and then another. This way, you can cover the target audience as much as possible, regardless of what communication channels it uses.
Republishing material on other platforms
This solution can be of interest to both parties: you and the platform where the updated content will be posted. It turns out that the donor site receives high-quality content, but does not spend any money on its production. And if you add a link to the original source in such material, the search engine will not perceive such a publication as a duplicate. You, as a source site, will be able to reach a new audience and provide yourself with additional clicks on external links, which will be very good from the point of view of linkbuilding.
Possible options for such publications:
- Post content on thematic sites. Initially, you need to study your own target audience and choose those sites where they are most widely represented. Let's assume that you supply consumables and spare parts for cars to the market. In this case, it is advisable to choose car enthusiast forums, thematic communities. This way you will get access to an audience that has not yet visited the site, but your products will be of interest to them a priori.
- Publishing guest posts on authoritative sites. This is somewhat similar to the previous option. You need to choose a separate site or blogger, agree on placement and prepare a corresponding post. After it is published and gets a certain number of views, you start reposting it on your site. As a result, you get a good return, exceeding what you would get from direct publication on your site.
- Initially, publish the updated material on a third-party site, and after it becomes popular and gets a certain number of views - on your site. For such an idea to work well, choose the most authoritative site. One with good traffic and recognition. This is what will allow you to attract the attention of a wide audience to your company. The main thing is that the publication contains links that interested people will follow to your pages, but it should not be too advertising, otherwise you will get the opposite effect from what you expected.
- Preparing individual fragments and excerpts with the most relevant information from articles with subsequent posting on third-party services. In each of them, you add a link to the full version of the material. Now select portals with similar or related topics, negotiate with them about posting such materials.
If you have really high-quality material at your disposal, then any of the third-party sites working in a similar niche will be interested in posting it. This means that there will be no problems with finding donor sites.
Recycling content from authoritative resources
Unlike the previous option, here we are talking about using not your own content, but materials presented on other authoritative services and sites. Information from foreign sources is mainly used here. It is more innovative, relevant. And it can be translated, improved and posted on your own platforms. We would like to draw attention to the fact that such materials should only be taken as a basis. You cannot take, translate someone else's work and pass it off as your own. In order not to provoke problems, supplement the materials with competent comments, expert opinions, explanations. As a result, you will be able to get really interesting and expert content adapted to your audience.
In particular, in this case, the following solutions can be used:
- Repost of fascinating material. In this case, you should bet on really high-quality content from famous authors or publications. You should initially understand that your audience will like this material. You prepare your own introduction to it, motivating the audience to read, draw appropriate conclusions, and also be sure to add a link to the original source, indicate the author. Most of the creators of the source material are not against such actions, since they simultaneously receive an influx of audience without putting any effort into it.
- Explaining complex topics in simple terms. In this case, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to literally put the source material on the shelves, but its effectiveness in practice will be very high. To implement such an idea, find an article in a scientific publication, and then rewrite it for your audience in simpler language. Again, do not forget to add a link to the original source before publishing the finished material on your sites.
- Compiling thematic collections. This is what will allow you to diversify your publications, refresh them. By mentioning interesting cases of other companies in your materials, you will increase their authority in the eyes of the audience, but at the same time you will receive educational and fascinating content. Often, such collections become viral, collecting a huge number of reposts.
- Combining several publications into one guide. This option will be useful if you decide to prepare a voluminous material that deeply reveals the topic. Here you collect small publications and format them accordingly.
- Formation of one publication from several articles. In this case, you should find several high-quality materials on the same topic, but revealing it from different points of view. Here again, do not forget to indicate the authorship, citing this or that opinion.
If you really want, you can go even further here and contact the content authors directly with a request to prepare a joint project. Alternatively, ask them to leave a comment, repost on their social networks or other platforms.
Changing the format of existing content
This block is dedicated to all those format transformations that you can subject your content to. In particular, this can be:
- Preparing posts for social networks. Here you can make a summary of everything that was presented earlier, thereby obtaining a fairly large set of posts for more than one day. Here you will need to change the style of presentation a little to get a publication in a simpler, informal style. In addition, this way you will generate third-party traffic to the main material.
- Prepare a presentation based on the article. Here you can outline the main ideas, supplement them with infographics, illustrations, screenshots, diagrams. As a result, you will receive full-fledged material for various conferences, seminars or simply for posting on social networks, as an attachment to email newsletter.
- Letter for email newsletter. Choose the most interesting fragment from your material or the main points, and also add a link to the full material, offering to study it to the target audience. But here it is important to make sure that the main summary and idea still stick in the person's memory, even if he does not go to the main material.
- Cards with the main points, which will subsequently be added as posts or stories on social networks. Thanks to this, you will be able to convey important information to the audience, as well as provide an opportunity to study the entire material to those who are really interested in it.
- New updated articles. Today, there are a lot of topics that remain popular and in demand among the audience for a long period of time. But in any case, they need to be updated in a timely manner, supplemented with relevant material. Perform a similar transformation with your article and again get a product that attracts the audience.
- A podcast based on the article materials. This publication format will be interesting to those who do not have time to study the article, but who would be happy to get acquainted with the issue while driving or on public transport, jogging, or walking. Here it is better to add a few examples, thereby simplifying the presentation of the material and improving its perception by ear.
- Infographics. Such a solution will be relevant for publications that contain various statistical data. As a result, you will be able to get new material with good visualization of key parameters, and then - provide readers with a link to the main publication. Infographics will be very convenient to launch through social networks, instant messengers, e-mail newsletters.
- An article for the Zen platform. Most useful publications are impressive in size, since the author strives to cover the topic as much as possible and convey it to the audience. But if you make it more compact, selecting only the most relevant, you can publish it on the Zen platform, and then add a link to the full version. Thanks to this, the reach of the user audience and the number of clicks on your business page will increase.
- Checklists. This format can be obtained by repackaging step-by-step instructions. The finished material can be published in your own blog or on social network pages, used as a lead magnet.
- Transcript of webinars. Based on the event, you can create a full-fledged expert article containing the opinions of specialists, arguments. In this case, it will be enough to decipher colloquial speech, transform it into text form, remove repetitions, advertising inserts and other "water", as well as structure and add key queries.
- Videos. Basically, you can make short videos for each thematic block of your article, building a whole chain of useful content for those who prefer to use video hosting sites to study it. Here you can also show the audience a number of life hacks, highlight current trends, provide recommendations that will help you make a choice, etc. There are a lot of options and ideas here.
Most of these techniques work in the opposite direction. That is, from small materials you can put together one full-fledged article and attract traffic to it from other sources.
Changing the volume of content for certain sources
In this case, we are talking about transforming the content to the requirements of the site where it will be posted, including in terms of volume and format. Here you can scale and expand the original article or divide it into several parts, shorten it. In this case, you can get the following types of content:
- White Paper, that is, a “White Book”, which will include a series of articles on the same topic. That is, you will need to break the main material into separate blocks and sequentially present them one after another, presenting each of them as a separate chapter. The final version can be provided to users as a bonus for subscribing or used as a lead magnet.
- A series of publications for social networks. Here we highlight thematic blocks and make a brief summary of each of them, supplement them with a picture, infographics, a diagram, improving visual perception. Here it is important to number all your posts so that users can see their sequence, and also add links to the next and previous publications in each of them. The last post can be made enticing for a new topic, as an option, write “and then we will talk about…”.
- A full-fledged printed publication based on articles and other publications on the same topic. In this case, we are talking about collecting a large amount of expert material in one product.
- A series of letters for an electronic newsletter. In essence, the principle is the same as in the previous version, but the publications themselves should be as close as possible to the format of a classic email. And here you do not need to add links, since the audience will receive the corresponding notifications anyway.
- Small training courses. An excellent option for articles prepared in narrow topics. Here, an expert opinion will be very important for those who would just like to delve into this issue.
- Answers to popular questions for your site. Almost any resource has a section such as FAQ. Here are the most relevant questions for the user audience, as well as competent answers to them. You can analyze what interests the audience in your topic, talk to managers working with clients and prepare appropriate answers.
- Excerpts from articles for providing an answer in the Yandex.Q service. Here it is important to initially study what questions the audience is interested in in terms of your topic, prepare for them concise competent answers and a link to the official article, and post them. Thanks to this, you will also receive return traffic to the site. In addition, this way you will be able to emphasize your status as an expert in this niche.
- Videos from a full-fledged webinar. Not everyone is ready to watch voluminous material. This requires a lot of time and concentration. It will be much more effective to provide important information in the form of short videos, arranged in a thematic sequence, and then add a link to the webinar in the description to them. This way you will attract more attention from the audience, and it will be more convenient for people to watch several 10-20-minute videos, rather than one voluminous material.
As you can see, there are many, many options for processing content. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in implementing these ideas. But there are still a number of mistakes that are quite often made in practice.
Common mistakes in the process of processing content
In order for content reworking to be as effective as possible and to meet all the expectations you have for it, it is important to avoid the most common mistakes. In particular:
- Don't change articles without any purpose. The fact that you have the opportunity to rework content is not a reason to do this. You must clearly understand what materials you want to receive as a result, where and for what tasks you will use them. Each new unit received must fit into the overall strategy of your content marketing. If you cannot say why you need this or that post, feel free to throw it out even before publication.
- A simple, superficial rewrite will not do here. Your basic article, webinar must be deeply reworked. The new materials must necessarily contain a certain usefulness for the target audience. It is important to make a brief summary of the most important aspects, and not to get exactly the same text, albeit unique.
- The updated material should be subject to the same comprehensive promotion as all your other publications. You must make it so that it attracts the target audience, contributes to the fact that people will follow the links to the main material, thereby increasing traffic to our site. This is what will have a positive effect on search engine results.
Otherwise, feel free to show your imagination, experiment and end up with more and more new original solutions.
Let's sum it up
If you have really cool articles, webinars, videos or any other voluminous content at your disposal, you can repackage it and get a huge variety of other formats for posting on social networks, instant messengers, in an email newsletter, publication on third-party services and more. There is nothing complicated in these works, and the costs of such a transformation will be minimal in terms of time and effort. But it is important to do everything as correctly as possible, focusing on the interests of the target audience, tracking the effectiveness of this or that material.
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