Mobile 4g ​​proxies

What is mobile 4G internet?

4G - generation of mobile communications with increased requirements. It is customary to refer to the fourth generation as promising technologies that allow data transfer at a speed exceeding 100 Mbit / s & mdash; mobile (with high mobility) and 1 Gbps & mdash; stationary subscribers (with low mobility).

In March 2008, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R) radiocommunication sector defined a number of requirements for the international mobile wireless broadband 4G standard, called the International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) specifications, in particular by setting data rate requirements to serve subscribers: the speed of 100 Mbit / s should be provided to highly mobile subscribers (for example, trains and cars), while subscribers with low mobility (for example, pedestrians and fixed subscribers) should be provided with a speed of 1 Gbit / s.

Since the early versions of mobile WiMAX and LTE support speeds well below 1 Gbps, they are not IMT-Advanced compliant technologies, although they are often referred to by service providers as 4G technologies. In turn, after the launch of LTE-Advanced networks by mobile operators, they began to be called 4G + for marketing purposes. On 6 December 2010, ITU-R acknowledged that the most advanced technologies are considered 4G, although the term has not been defined.

Mobile 4g ​​/ LTE proxies

Mobile proxies are IP-based proxies issued by cellular network operators. These proxies are made on the basis of regular mobile Internet, more often 4G networks. Is this a new fashion trend or really something worthwhile? By all accounts, buying 1 mobile proxy port is much more profitable than buying 15 server proxies. Increasingly, these proxies are used to automate mailings to private messages, inviting, mass following and other mass tasks related to attracting traffic on social networks and similar sites

List of frequency bands in Russia

  • LTE B7 & uarr; (from the subscriber) 2500 & mdash; 2570 MHz & darr; (to the subscriber) 2620 & mdash; 2690 MHz & mdash; 2 x 30 Scartel, 2 x 10 Rostelecom OJSC, Mobile TeleSystems OJSC, MegaFon OJSC, Vympel-Communications OJSC.
  • LTE B20 & uarr; 832 & mdash; 862 MHz & darr; 791 & mdash; 821 MHz & mdash; 2 * 7.5 OJSC Rostelecom, OJSC Mobile TeleSystems, OJSC MegaFon, OJSC Vympel-Communications. (plan 2013 & mdash; 2019 y.)
  • LTE B38 (TDD) 2570..2620 MHz & mdash; 1 x 25 MegaFon OJSC, Mobile TeleSystems OJSC, EKATERINBURG-2000 LLC
  • LTE B40 (TDD) 2300..2400 MHz & mdash; OJSC Rostelecom (2013 g.), OJSC Osnova Telecom, OJSC Vainakh Telecom
  • LTE B3 & uarr; 1710 & mdash; 1785 MHz & darr; 1805 & mdash; 1880 MHz & mdash; LLC `` EKATERINBURG-2000 ''
  • 4G band & uarr; 720 & mdash; 750 MHz & darr; 761-791 MHz & mdash; 2 x 7.5 (considered by ITU)
  • 4G band 31 & uarr; 452.5 & mdash; 457.5 MHz & darr; 462.5 & mdash; 467.5 MHz & mdash; Sky Link CJSC

Mobile proxies of the highest category: the best chances to avoid being banned

4G mobile proxies with backconnect technology use a set of IP addresses belonging to the mobile operator & ndash; this is why they are often referred to as 'proxy to phone' and proxy channels. The channel is selected based on the optimal route of the user's request within the time that the service considers normal for changing the IP address when using mobile proxies.

This can be conventionally called & ndash; 4G / LTE mobile proxies . Since this is a high-speed technology, mobile proxies must also comply with it. This is a plus for us: if the program rotates proxy addresses at the required speed, the system recognizes them as requests via the 4G / LTE standard & ndash; hence, it is likely to be considered trustworthy as `` human. ''

This means that mobile proxies & ndash; the best choice for working with social networks and advertising platforms. Buy mobile proxies 4G is much more profitable and safer than buying a huge number of proxy servers of past generations, often outdated even before launch. Using mobile proxies of the 4G / LTE generation, you make your bots practically invulnerable and greatly increase your profit when working with services that have a mobileapplication and over a million users.

4G mobile proxy speeds

Not so long ago, I personally measured the speed of the Internet. And then the leader was often operator Yota, working on MegaFon networks. But this concerned only two relatively small zones on a national scale.

All measurements were made using SpeedTest, which guaranteed flawless results.

All over Russia, according to Ookla, MegaFon is the leader in data transmission quality. The average speed of this operator in the country was 27.31 Mb / s, which is 7.19 Mb / s higher than the average for all operators in Russia.

MegaFon has been the leader in terms of data transmission speed in Russia for the third year in a row.

According to Roskomnadzor data, the operator uses more than 235 thousand base stations. This is the best indicator in the country. The closest competitor MTS has 180 thousand stations.

▸ 238 527 base stations at MegaFon
▸ 183,250 base stations at MTS
▸ 167 654 base stations at Tele2
▸ 156 977 base stations near Beeline

Tele2 (+ 13%) and Beeline (+ 7%) are leading in terms of development rates since the beginning of the year.

It is the base stations that are responsible for the coverage and quality of signal transmission. And the more there are, the better it will be to `` catch '' the network with the highest speed rating.

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