Attract new users

New Affiliate Program

to the service and earn income from their payments.

The service pays 16% of the amount of purchases of users you have attracted.

You are placing a link to attract users to the site After the transition, the user is assigned to you forever during registration and you receive 16% of the amount of any of his payments on the site for life. You can follow the statistics of attracted partners in the history. The money will be credited to your internal account in the system. These funds can be spent on the purchase of VPN or withdrawn. 

You will have access to macros for individualizing the link and postback for uploading statistics to your tracker, as well as the ability to generate a coupon to attract users by entering which the client is attached to you.

In order to be able to withdraw the funds earned with the help of the affiliate program, you need to submit an application in which you indicate how you plan to attract traffic, what tools you plan to use.

Attract users and earn money!

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