Business digitalization on marketplaces: simple and convenient implementation

Business digitalization on marketplaces: simple and convenient implementation

Digitalization is one of the key stages of running a modern business. This requirement will be especially relevant if you have your own representative offices on marketplaces, such as Wildberries, Ozon, etc. This is what will allow entrepreneurs to manage their own business processes as efficiently as possible, analyze data, and make decisions that will obviously give a good result and have a positive impact on sales and income.

The digitalization process itself involves the transformation of key business processes and information into digital form. Thanks to this solution, routine and similar tasks are automated, and detailed analytical data is obtained in real time. Today, digitalization can rightfully be called one of the most advanced solutions that provide businesses with the most relevant and accurate information about the company's operations, which will have a positive impact on the efficiency and correctness of decisions made.

If everything is implemented correctly, it will be possible to structure quite impressive volumes of data, obtain general information about the specifics of the market and current consumer requirements. Based on all this, you will be able to make adjustments to your own business processes. Perform digitalization, and you will always have data on sales, availability of product range in the warehouse, as well as from suppliers. And the available data will help you track behavioral factors of the consumer market, identify current trends today and adapt your own sales to them, increasing customer satisfaction.

As part of today's review, we will dwell in more detail on what advantages a business presented on marketplaces can receive thanks to digitalization. Here are 10 best services that will help you perform all the necessary work as quickly, easily and simply as possible.

The main advantages of digitalizing your business on marketplaces

It doesn't matter whether you are running your business on Wildberries, Ozon or any other marketplace, without digitalization you will not be able to ensure the desired efficiency of your business and a decent level of income. If you structure the advantages that digitalization of your business on marketplaces provides, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • Obtaining detailed analytics. Digitalization provides enough for serious opportunities for analytics. Thanks to the automatic collection and processing of information, business representatives will be able to receive detailed reports on sales, user behavioral factors, track the effectiveness of launched advertising campaigns and marketing strategies in general. This is what will help to instantly identify current trends, make forecasts for the foreseeable future in terms of demand and prices of goods, and make adjustments to running business processes. That is, the quality of decisions made increases many times over. All actions become timely and justified. This has a positive impact on the level of income.
  • Improving the efficiency of data management. Thanks to digitalization, you will make all your internal processes as transparent as possible, and will be able to automate a huge number of similar and routine tasks. In parallel with this, the human factor is minimized, as well as all related errors, dissatisfaction on the part of customers. So you will always have information about sales, balances, and the number of orders placed. And all this in real time.
  • Optimization of business processes, reduction of business costs. This is achieved by automating the same type of routine tasks, including directly processing orders, managing balances, updating the assortment, etc. As a result, the workload on staff is reduced, the quality of customer service is increased, and along with this, the level of their satisfaction. Also, digitization will help optimize logistics, increase the efficiency of order delivery, minimize losses and damage.

Now that you understand how important it is to digitize your business on marketplaces, you can proceed directly to launching these works. They can be implemented as easily and simply as possible through specialized services. These are the solutions that will not only provide you with generalized reports for the store as a whole or for individual products, but will also help you identify the most profitable and unprofitable catalog items and take appropriate measures.

Now we will get acquainted in detail with the 10 best services for digitalization of business on Wildberries, Ozon and other marketplaces. We will describe their capabilities, current tariffs, advantages and disadvantages. The information provided will allow you to choose the most suitable platform option for yourself and implement digitalization as simply as possible.


WildCRM is a cloud service for digitalization of business on the Wildberries marketplace. It is intended for managers, business managers, suppliers. This is a worthy replacement for labor-intensive calculations that are performed through Excel. We would like to immediately draw attention to the fact that this service does not provide free reports, that is, you will have to pay for its use. In particular, the formation of one weekly report will cost you about 1,400 rubles. But you can also purchase the maximum package of 60 reports, which will be enough for you for a whole year (+1 additional bonus month) for less than 40,000 rubles.

Among the main functional capabilities of the WildCRM service, we highlight the provision of advanced statistics for business, namely:

  1. Weekly reports on the financial activities of the business on the marketplace, which will allow you to estimate the profit for the week for each of the product items. It will be provided in the form of a summary table, which will indicate the articles and the corresponding data for each of them.
  2. Master report. This is a kind of summary information for any period of time, including the most important indicators for you. On its basis, the salary of managers is calculated in accordance with the contribution to the overall level of business income made by each of them.
  3. A report containing information on the cost of product items. Based on this information, you can analyze your own income level, taking into account the amount of money spent on the purchase of sold goods. If necessary, you can also enter delivery costs here, which will ultimately allow you to get the most accurate financial picture.

Also, using this service, you will be able to see detailed profit and loss reports, as well as detailed analytics for each product item in accordance with its article number. It is convenient that in the latter case the graph shows the dynamics for each product depending on the week, month.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the main advantages of WildCRM, then here it is worth highlighting:

  • formation of a summary report, master report, sales and returns report;
  • provision of information that will allow you to check the financial report;
  • availability of information on the cost of goods;
  • automatic download via API, informative detailing of Excel;
  • availability of options for sending notifications to the Telegram messenger.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the lack of a free trial period. That is, you will be able to evaluate the convenience and efficiency of this service only after purchasing at least one report. In addition, it does not provide for the collection of information on advertising, there are no dashboards with a visual display of information. And again: the service works exclusively with the Wildberries marketplace

WB fin

WB fin is a cloud service for digitalizing business, developed for the Wildberries marketplace. This is also a paid solution. Here, you will initially need to pay 50,000 rubles to connect the platform itself to work, and then pay monthly for using the service. In this case, the amount will directly depend on the sales level: from 3,000 rubles for stores with an order volume of up to 15 thousand per month and up to 7,000 rubles for stores with 45 to 75 thousand orders per month.

The service will automatically pull up to 900% of all information that is in the seller's personal account on the marketplace directly through the API. Based on this data, it will be possible to generate different types of reports, including those in accordance with the articles:

  1. Report on the number of orders. This is a summary table that will include data on each of the orders placed in the store for a specified time interval. You configure the parameters that you want to see in the results: revenue, the number of purchased products, items in transit, the number of returns, cancellations.
  2. Gross profit report. It will contain a detailed structure of all store expenses, as well as their ratio to the profit received. Reports are generated for a certain period of time, all expenses are described in detail.
  3. Revenue report. It can be generated both for each product item and for a separate article for a certain period of time, which will allow you to clearly see the dynamics of income. You can set a month or quarter as a time interval. You can also additionally set revenue by brand, size, color, if relevant.

You can also generate a report on the list of orders for a certain period of time, including the warehouse from which they are shipped, the geography of deliveries. Also, Wildberries sellers will find reports on advertising, taxes, geography of deliveries, ABC analysis, etc. useful.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the main advantages:

  • the presence of a fairly large number of diverse reports and visual dashboards;
  • the ability to connect via API;
  • you will always have the most current version of the service at your disposal: it is updated automatically at no additional cost.

But there are also disadvantages. In particular, the service is not just paid. You will also need to make an initial payment, and a considerable one, for its implementation. You won't be able to use it to work with other marketplaces, which can also be considered a weakness.


En-Statistics is a cloud service for digitizing business on the Wildberries and Ozon marketplaces. You will also have to pay for its use, but the amount will depend on the purchase period, as well as the number of reports. In particular, the 3-month tariff starts at 10,000 rubles.

Connection to En-Statistics is performed using an API key. As soon as you make a payment, detailed sales information will be sent to your personal account. The service will generate reports-tables in the context of financial and management accounting, namely:

  1. Business profit and loss report. Will contain information on total sales revenue, number of orders and purchases, expenses and income received.
  2. Report in the form of a graph on orders and sales depending on a certain day and time of day. Provides visual information on which days of the week you receive the most orders, sales are made and at what time of day this happens. This way you can identify the most effective time to interact with your audience.
  3. Daily report on orders and sales for each product item. By studying it, you can understand for what amount and on what day certain products were sold, what income you received from them. Information on refusals and lost revenue is also provided.

It is convenient that the En-Statistics service allows you to generate reports on a single article or additional filters linked to regions, which will allow you to understand where exactly your target audience is located. Additional reports also include information on warehouse balances and turnover, the most popular products, ABC analysis, quantity of defective goods, cost price determination, and percentage of redemption for each delivery.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following points are among the strengths of the En-Statistics service:

  • convenient, simple API connection, availability of visualized dashboards;
  • large number of reports: summary on sales and returns, on turnover, master reports, weekly;
  • ability to automatically check the financial report.

Disadvantages here: no free use, including a trial period, no advertising reports, which does not allow tracking its effectiveness. Information here is not sent to Telegram, which adds inconvenience to work.


MPdigit is a cloud service designed not only for business digitization, but also for automating settlements on the Wildberries and Ozon marketplaces. It is paid to use, and the minimum tariff is 3,000 rubles per month of use. In operation, this service can pull data from the marketplace account three months old or more ago, generating detailed reports based on them. All basic information on the store for the period under study will be automatically displayed on the dashboard.

Using this service, you can create the following types of reports:

  1. On costs and profits. Here, the information on the received income and expenses of the business will be broken down by days, which will ultimately allow you to form a fairly clear picture of the financial results of the store as a whole.
  2. The "plan-fact" report. Here we are talking about recording data on each product item in accordance with its article number and building a subsequent sales plan for this product, as well as constantly monitoring its sales.
  3. ABC analysis. This report provides detailed information on the most profitable and unprofitable product items. Thanks to special highlighting (green for profitable products, and red for unprofitable ones), the convenience of working with the report is increased.

Among the additional information, MPdigit will also provide detailed information on advertising, warehouses, investments, sales, orders, etc. As a result, you get a fairly clear picture of the business's work on the marketplace as a whole.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the MPdigit service include:

  • the presence of clear and informative dashboards;
  • digitization of the two most popular marketplaces today;
  • simple and convenient connection via API.

The only drawback that users note when working with this service is the lack of a free tariff and a trial period.


Pi-Data — This is another popular cloud service for business digitalization today, which can be used when working with the Wildberries and Ozon marketplaces. This is the first product in our review that has a free trial version, although free access to reports is not provided here. Depending on what reports you plan to work with and the size of the business you are choosing a solution for, you will have to pay from 2,400 rubles to almost 12,000 rubles per month. Connection to the sites can be done via API keys.

Using the Pi-Data service in your work, you can generate and study the following types of reports:

  1. General report. This is a document that will contain the most detailed information about all the financial and operational indicators of your store, the availability of stock in warehouses. To use it, you just need to select your marketplace, specify the appropriate period for which you want to receive information, as well as your warehouses, suppliers, product categories and other related information.
  2. Financial report. It will display the cost price and other parameters that are necessary to create a comprehensive picture of the financial state of the business. In this case, the information can be displayed either as an external table or pulled into the report.
  3. Report on the dynamics of indicators. It is presented in the form of graphs. The system collects the main parameters that determine the efficiency of the store, taking into account indicators for orders, sales, including for individual categories, the percentage of redemption, the presence of balances, etc.
  4. ABC analysis. It is designed to provide detailed information on profitable positions and those that are completely unprofitable for the store, that is, they bring losses.

Additional reports in Pi-Data include aggregated information on balances, buyouts, logistics, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Along with the presence of a trial period, the advantages in this case include 3 key aspects:

  • the ability to perform flexible and convenient customization of each report in accordance with the individual specifics of the business;
  • the availability of technical implementation of working with personal accounts on the Wildberries and Ozon platforms in one window;
  • simple and convenient integration with various accounting systems that your business uses in practice, as well as quick setup of information display on Power BI.

But there are also disadvantages here. In particular, this is the lack of free reports and visual dashboards with information, notifications in Telegram. And the Pi-Data service does not allow you to monitor advertising effectiveness.

MP Profit

MP Profit is a service for digitizing business on the Wildberries and Ozon marketplaces. Today it is deployed in the cloud, but work is already underway to launch a mobile version. It has quite broad functionality, as it displays all information on orders, sales, expenses, completed transactions, and provides detailed financial reports. A free tariff plan is already provided here, but only those sellers on the marketplace whose turnover does not exceed 200 thousand rubles per month will be able to use it. The maximum possible amount of almost 21,000 rubles will be forced to be paid by those sellers whose turnover exceeds 20 million rubles.

The MP Profit service transmits all information exclusively via API. The seller's personal account will display information on each store, as well as net profit in real time. This solution will be convenient for those who have several representative offices, including on different marketplaces. The information will be displayed on a consolidated dashboard, but if there is a need to view information on each individual outlet, this can be done additionally by removing the check marks next to those stores whose information does not interest you at the moment.

The functionality of this service includes:

  1. Providing information on the cost of products and related external costs.
  2. ABC analysis, as well as a detailed report on SKU, profits, losses, cash flow.
  3. Heat map of orders for a certain period of time, as well as warehouse reports including information on product stocks, supply planning, calculation of capitalization of each warehouse, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the MP Profit service:

  • a free trial period for 24 hours for all users who register on the website;
  • free tariff for small stores;
  • automatic distribution of statistics to the Telegram messenger once a day;
  • visual display of information on dashboards;
  • if necessary, it will be possible to download the generated reports to Excel.

The only drawback that can be highlighted here is the lack of advertising reports.


Finamp is a cloud service that allows you to collect comprehensive analytics on business on the Wildberries and Ozon marketplaces. There is one free tariff that provides unlimited access to 11 of the most popular internal analytics reports. If this functionality is not enough, then you can purchase a more advanced version for work. For 6,700 rubles. you will get access to the basic tariff, and to use all the features of the service, you will need to pay a little more than 13,000 rubles.

All information will be transferred to the service from marketplaces via API. At the same time, complete anonymity of data is guaranteed. Using Finamp, you will get access to the following reports:

  1. By profit and loss. Here, key indicators for your business, as well as the store's net profit, will be displayed in dynamics. By predicting this data, you can identify weak points, those where funds are wasted.
  2. By cash flow in internal accounts. This report will display the total amount of funds at the beginning and end of the study period, as well as an analysis of all receipts and payments. In such a report, you can clearly see the most expensive items of your business and take measures to optimize them.
  3. By warehouse and region. Here you will find all the information that will allow you to optimize your working capital management, determine the effectiveness of certain decisions, and the potential for sales in a certain geolocation.
  4. ABC analysis. Here, product positions will be compared based on such indicators as sales, profitability, and margin. As a result, 3 separate product groups will be formed: “A” are those that bring the most profit to the store, “B” are something in between, “C” are those that bring losses, that is, they bring practically no income. Accordingly, products in group “A” must be promoted, thereby increasing sales.

Finamp can also generate visual reports for you on buyouts, orders placed, articles, prepare a buyout tape, a “plan-fact” report and so on.

Advantages and disadvantages

This service has quite a few advantages:

  • the availability of a free tariff regardless of sales volumes;
  • the ability to generate reports in the product, financial, warehouse areas;
  • simple and convenient integration with the ability to set up deep internal analytics, providing employees with training master classes;
  • the ability to use financial expert consultations: relevant even for a free tariff plan.

But you also need to know that here the information on the dashboards will be displayed only in paid tariffs. Also, Finamp does not have advertising reports.

MP Surf

MP Surf is a service for internal business analytics developed for the Wildberries and Ozon platforms. It is presented in the form of a classic Internet platform, Google tables. Despite the fact that the service is paid (the price starts from 900 rubles per month), there is a free seven-day trial period. To use it, you just need to register through the Telegram bot.

The entire process of interaction with the MP Surf service begins with the creation of a support chat in the Telegram messenger. After completing this work, support specialists configure the loading of API data into a Google table, and then provide access to this template to the seller. After completing all the settings, you will be able to use the following types of reports:

  1. Financial. This group includes profit and loss reports, a financial transaction journal, cash flow, and account management.
  2. Commodity. Here, in real time, analytical data on all orders and sales will be presented. We are talking about such reports as a report on orders and on sales, a heat map, ABC-analysis of product items.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages characteristic of the MP Surf service, we will highlight:

  • the presence of 19 visual dashboards containing information on sales, orders and other characteristics important for analyzing business operations;
  • displaying information in Google tables;
  • the presence of a wide variety of reports, among which there is also information on the effectiveness of launched advertising campaigns;
  • professional customer support service that works 6 days a week.

But before you start using this service, you need to understand that there are no free reports here, that is, for permanent use you will have to make a payment. The launch process itself can take up to 3 days, which is due to the individual customization of tables for the specifics of the business, which is performed by the service's technical support service. Otherwise, the platform is reliable, convenient and efficient to work with.


WBBRO is a service for performing internal analytics, maintaining management and financial accounting for the Wildberries and Ozon marketplaces. It is designed to work with devices running Windows, Linux, Android, iOS operating systems. The service is paid, but there is no exact information on prices, since it is calculated individually depending on the requests and needs of a particular business. To find out, you need to contact the service's technical support service.

To start using this application, you must initially register on the platform through the Telegram bot, pulling up your phone number. This is how authorization and identification of all seller stores will be carried out. For some time, the platform will prepare a special Excel directory of store products. When this document is sent to you, you will need to enter information about the cost of production. These actions should be done manually. As soon as these works are completed, a time is set for a phone call with the company manager. During the conversation, all the necessary information about the reports linked to the store data will be provided. Of the reports available to sellers from the WBBRO service, we highlight:

  1. Financial analytics. Will include detailed reports on profits, losses, expense log, cash flow information, accounting of independent buyouts.
  2. Internal advertising analytics, and automatic accounting of all write-offs of funds related to the launch of advertising campaigns, a calculator for participation in marketplace promotions, an advertising effectiveness calculator.
  3. Product analytics. There are quite a large number of reports presented here, among which will be the same ones that provide information on sales of certain articles and sizes, product turnover, cost accounting, ABC analysis, information on warehouses and seasonality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages characteristic of the WBBRO service, we note:

The only drawback is that connection is possible only through service managers, which negatively affects the efficiency of implementing these tools into business operations. In addition, the site does not provide information on how much it will cost the user to work with the platform. That is, you will initially need to send requests, clarify all the nuances with managers, and only after that will you be told the cost specifically for you.


Mpassistant is an internal analytics web service for Wildberries and Ozon marketplaces. It can be used to provide full control over financial transactions within a single store. The developer provides the opportunity to test its product for 5 days, after which a fee will be charged starting from 700 rubles. monthly for sellers whose monthly revenue does not exceed 250 thousand rubles.

After launching the service, the following types of reports will be available to you:

Advantages and disadvantages

The strengths of the Mpassistant service include:

The disadvantages here are the lack of free reports, as well as notifications in messengers.

Let's summarize

In today's review, we showed the importance of digitizing a business that has a presence on marketplaces, and also provided a number of the most popular and functional services that will help you implement these works as efficiently and quickly as possible. We are confident that from the variety presented, you can easily choose the option that will be the most functional in each individual case. Here you need to proceed from how many stores you have on marketplaces, what turnover comes from them. So, for small sellers, free services are quite suitable: their functionality will be quite sufficient to support the effective operation of the business. The larger the business, the more powerful the service should be, providing the collection and systematization of analytical data.

Regardless of which service you choose, we recommend that you additionally purchase mobile proxies from the MobileProxy.Space service. You can learn more about this product at the link But we would like to note that in this case you will have at your disposal a tool that can provide high levels of privacy and security when working on the Internet, effectively bypass regional restrictions, blocking, and the ability to access services that are closed in a particular country.

You will have the opportunity to use the service for free for 2 hours to ensure the high efficiency and convenience of mobile proxies. We also recommend that you pay attention to the current tariffs and payment terms. If you encounter any difficulties during subsequent work, if you need additional advice and assistance from specialists, please contact the technical support managers who work around the clock.

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