RetailCRM: CRM-system of the future

RetailCRM: CRM-system of the future

Every business, regardless of what market niche it operates in, what audience it focuses on, is in any case set for development, improvement, scaling. But as soon as the scale of sales increases, keeping all this under control becomes very, very difficult. The number of orders and user requests increases. Managers simply do not have time to process all this. As a result, customers have to wait a long time for an answer, which in most cases leads to the fact that they simply look for similar products or services from your competitors. It also often happens that applications are simply lost. That is, it turns out that on the one hand, you have done a large-scale job to increase the volume of your own business, but on the other hand, you have fallen into your own trap and simply cannot ensure functional work under conditions of increased workload. This may lead to the fact that clients will begin to massively refuse to cooperate with you and you will again return to the point from which you started. And if all this is accompanied by negative reviews, then it will be very, very difficult to restore your reputation.

So what to do in this situation? One of the simplest solutions in this segment is to systematize the work of your business and managers, in particular. To solve these problems, the modern market offers a huge variety of CRM systems. There are really a lot of them and each business representative must independently delve into the specifics of the operation of such tools and choose the solution that will be most effective in his practice.

As part of today's review, we will get to know in more detail one of the most advanced CRM systems, according to many experts, which deserves worthy attention. This is a universal solution that is suitable for organizing absolutely any online trade, regardless of its direction and scale. With its help, you can automate the process of customer service and sales in general, get comprehensive analytics that will allow you to quickly and easily evaluate the company's work, instantly respond to certain changes, thereby increasing the efficiency of your own business. We are talking about such a system as RetailCRM. Let's highlight its functionality, advantages and disadvantages. Let's get acquainted with the solutions that appeared in the latest updated version of the application. We will tell you how to ensure the most stable and functional work with RetailCRM using a tool such as mobile proxies.

What is the RetailCRM platform

RetailCRM is one of the most popular programs today, which has received widespread use by various trading platforms. It was developed specifically for online stores to automate tasks related to customer service and directly organizing sales. Among its key features, it is worth highlighting:

  • the ability to connect modules from Russian marketplaces;
  • regular platform updates that improve its functionality and ease of use;
  • automation of the process of loading orders from any sites for free.

In operation, RetailCRM looks like this. The buyer places an order on your website. Immediately after that, all data is automatically entered into the program. The manager of your online store immediately receives a set of data necessary for his work. In particular, he can fully control the order status, including its acceptance for processing, payment, delivery. If necessary, he can also postpone delivery. Thanks to absolute synchronization, the possibility of flexible management of stocks of goods in the warehouse is provided. This means that you will never find yourself in a situation where a consumer needs your product, but it is not available.

The functionality of RetailCRM allows working not only with online stores, but also with independent entrepreneurs. This is a truly convenient, fast and reliable solution that can automate a large volume of daily tasks related to the sale of goods. Now get to know the functionality of RetailCRM in more detail.

Basic capabilities of the RetailCRM service

The RetailCRM service is a solution that will allow you to automate key tasks that e-commerce representatives face daily in their work. With its help, you can combine offline and online sales, improve the customer service process, attract new customers, and increase the average purchase check. Moreover, the availability of analytical reports will help to keep the business development process under full control and instantly respond to certain changes.

Of the main functional capabilities that the RetailCRM system is endowed with, we will highlight the following points:

  1. Order automation.
  2. Working with clients.
  3. Collecting analytics.
  4. Products and their availability in warehouses.
  5. Finances, tasks, managers.
  6. Interaction with Instagram.
  7. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Order automation

The corresponding section will contain absolutely all currently relevant orders of your store. Additionally, a filter system is provided here. Use it to sort orders by their number, customer's personal data, responsible managers, payment or delivery status. That is, your store staff will be able to control absolutely all orders. And you, as a business manager, will be able to control the efficiency of your employees.

Moreover, the program provides additional icons that are indicated next to the customer's phone number. For example, the VIP icon marks regular customers of the store, while the Bad icon will indicate a problematic customer. RetailCRM collects orders not only from the official website of your company, but also from messengers, social networks, marketplaces, message boards. No manual transfers, during which certain positions may be lost.

Here you can also immediately set up integration with logistics services, thanks to which the delivery cost will be automatically calculated directly in each order card. At the very bottom of the list, RetailCRM will show the total amount of orders and your gross profit. The program requires filling in such data for each order as the buyer's personal information (his full name and contact details), the product items for which the order was placed, the required warehouse, payment and delivery terms.

Full information about customers

RetailCRM provides for automatic collection of information about customers. Managers can use additional filters to find the required customer as quickly as possible. So, if you select the "List" format, the screen will open a list of absolutely all customers of the online store with their contact details, as well as the manager who made the purchase, the total number of orders placed by the same person, the total purchase amount and the average check.

A separate section "Corporate" is provided here. In its structure, this is all the same, only here information will be collected not about individuals, but about legal entities. Section "Loyalty program" includes information about all clients who have your bonus cards. Additionally, sorting by card level and status, bonus amounts, and completed orders is provided.

Another section is “Letters and SMS”. This is a kind of database for electronic mailings. Managers can use the information presented here to determine which letters were delivered, which were not, which of the potential buyers opened them, and which were not. You can also see the contents of the email newsletter and the recipient's personal data.

It is convenient that you can go directly from the customer card to the history of correspondence and communication in general, including call recording. You can also immediately dial the customer. At the same time, the manager will see the most important information about each client, that is, he will understand with whom exactly he is interacting.

Collecting analytics

We have already mentioned that RetailCRM is equipped with powerful analytics tools. Here you can generate reports on business performance, analyze the effectiveness of launched campaigns. This is what will allow you to build the most effective sales funnel and make timely changes to it, adapting to current market trends. Thus, the analytical tool of this service allows you to collect data on different categories:

  • Orders. You can set up automatic tracking of key indicators for each order. So, this can be income from each purchase, average check, average order processing time, the number of orders placed by the same buyer, the number of repeat sales and much more. That is, by analyzing such information, you can understand what target audience you are dealing with. This will help guide each client through the entire interaction chain, from the first contact to the transaction, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the interaction. Moreover, you will see from which channels the most orders come. Alternatively, this could be your website's shopping cart, social media accounts or messengers, phone calls. That is, you will know what exactly works most effectively in your business: organic search, banner advertising, context. This way, you will be able to redistribute your advertising budgets, focusing on the most effective channels of interaction and discarding non-working ones.
  • Customer base activity. In RetailCRM, you will be able to control how active your customer base is. That is, you will see which customers interact with your store most often, bring in the most income and, accordingly, you will be able to maintain their activity by offering additional discounts and bonuses. That is, you will be able to understand with whom you should interact more actively. The program will also show which channels certain people came to your business through, and display the corresponding geolocation. Thanks to this, you will have a huge amount of information at your disposal, which will allow you to subsequently increase the efficiency of working with clients.
  • Finance. This is what will help you clearly see the dynamics of your business expenses and income for a given period of time. The program displays both fixed and variable expenses. It also contains a detailed marketing report, after analyzing which you can assess the movement of finances in your business. Of the most important indicators that this system collects, it is worth highlighting information on what funds the business allocates to attract leads, what income was received from them, statistics for each of the sources of attraction. In simple words, you will have a graph showing how much money you spent on advertising and what income each of the strategies brought you.
  • Managers. The work of any online store largely depends on the effectiveness of the managers. Therefore, as a business manager, it is very important for you to monitor the actions of the staff. The RetailCRM service will allow you to evaluate the work of managers by the number of clients served, by the income received thanks to a certain person, the average purchase receipt and the number of such purchases. It will also be possible to evaluate the performance of each individual employee by chats, phone calls. The information is provided in the form of a detailed graph. It will additionally provide a breakdown by each stage of the sales funnel.
  • Products. We are talking about automatic control over the number of goods available in the warehouse, their demand on the market, that is, the regularity of sales. You will also be able to see how many items were sold over a given period of time. This will be especially convenient if you work with a product in high demand. In most cases, this should become the basis of your entire assortment. Using the RetailCRM analytics tools, you can easily highlight this category of products. As a result, you will be able to revise your own product grid, removing items that are not in demand on the consumer market.
  • Communications. Here, statistics are collected for each individual store or interaction channel, as well as for clients, email newsletters, SMS messages, etc. That is, you will need to specify the time interval that interests you at the moment and see all the collected data for it. If we talk specifically about email newsletters, the program will show you the total number of letters sent, the number of delivered, opened, the number of clicks, complaints from users about spam, unsubscribes. All this is given both in numerical and percentage terms for each of the newsletters.

As you can see, analytics in RetailCRM is very large-scale. That is, you, as the owner or representative of the business, receive complete information about its work, which will allow you to build the most effective work in the future.

Products and their availability in warehouses

RetailCRM has an additional section "Products". Here you can find a specific product depending on its article number, cost, store where it is available for sale. You will get the ability to quickly and easily verify articles, check the availability of products in the store, and track the cost. If desired, you can combine products into separate categories, forming a so-called product group. Alternatively, this can be "summer clothing for women", "autumn clothing for women", etc.

Managers will be able to control which products and through which service were sent, from which warehouses they arrived and even see the exact time of shipment. If you go to the "Pickup of goods from the warehouse" tab, you will see from which warehouse the shipment of a particular product is planned, within which order it is carried out, how many units need to be picked up and which of the employees will be responsible for fulfilling this order.

Another tab is "Movements and balances". Here you will also find up-to-date information about each product, including the courier data, warehouse, dates when a certain product was ordered and shipped, as well as contact information for all employees working with a particular order, starting from the warehouse where it was stored and up to delivery. Information about the balances for a particular product item both in general and for individual stores will also be presented here. Reserved products will also be highlighted. This way, you will be able to replenish your warehouses in a timely manner and avoid a situation where a customer makes a purchase and you are unable to provide them with the desired product.

Finance, tasks, managers

These are three separate sections that provide tools that can ensure more efficient and simple work with the sale of goods. In particular:

  1. Finance. This is, so to speak, a large table that will present absolutely all financial expenses for each of the cost items. So, this can be direct transportation of goods, money invested in advertising campaigns, website promotion, social media accounts, etc. For greater convenience, a breakdown into separate groups is provided here. If you analyze them, you will be able to get a clear picture of all the expenses that your business is facing at a given time. If you are planning to launch an additional project that requires financial investment, you can create a new group by clicking on the "New Expense" button.
  2. Managers. In this section, you will have collected information about absolutely all employees of the company. In particular, not only personal data, but also the number of orders placed for each of them, the sales that went through them, the average check for the placed order. That is, you will see which of your employees works most effectively, and who, on the contrary, let's say, sits in their chair. The information received will allow you to choose the most suitable incentive scheme for the staff. The settings of the section itself are quite flexible. You will be able to change the parameters that you track, delete old and add new managers.
  3. Tasks. This is what will allow you to get detailed information about each of the orders. In particular, this could be the execution date of each order, information about the client who placed it, the responsible manager, the status of execution, etc. In the corner of the active window, you will have a button that will allow you to set a new task and then track its execution.

All these tools are distinguished by their high visuality. This means that all important information is perceived as effectively as possible, literally on an intuitive level. Moreover, you will be able to make your own changes, individual settings that will increase the efficiency of work with your business. And this is what will make any CRM system as functional and convenient to work with as possible.

Interaction with Instagram

We have included this functionality of RetailCRM separately, since today Instagram is one of the most popular social platforms in the world not only among users, but also among business representatives. In particular, a huge number of goods and services are sold through it today. This means that today, when using it to promote your business, you also need to think about automating work with this platform.

If we talk directly about RetailCRM, then with its help, your store managers will be able to transform subscribers of your accounts and regular customers as effectively as possible, automate a fairly impressive volume of similar and routine tasks. It uses a cloud system that does not require creating separate accounts by filling in each of the accounts. It turns out that your employees simply register, then they are all added to a single company chat and tasks are distributed here. Work with customers can also be implemented in the general chat. Each customer will receive a personal manager. If the buyer contacts you again, then the same specialist with whom you have already worked before will serve him. In turn, this will significantly increase the convenience of interaction between the staff and the buyer, minimize the time for service, since the manager will already know the main preferences of the client and will be able to serve him more professionally.

In addition, the system will track the status of the staff. If it turns out that a particular manager is currently busy, the client will be automatically transferred to another available specialist. This will also happen if, let's say, the assigned manager is not at his workplace when receiving a request from the client.

Also, when organizing sales through Instagram, you will also be able to fully control the product turnover process, including deliveries to the warehouse. If desired, you can customize analytics tools specifically for working with this social network, ultimately receiving key information in real time that is important specifically for your business, identifying oversights that hinder the full development of business in the social network.

Additional capabilities of RetailCRM

Along with the functionality that we talked about above, the RetailCRM system is also equipped with other tools, in particular with those that are not typical for other CRM tools. This is exactly what makes working with it as efficient and convenient as possible. In particular, we are talking about such solutions as:

  • Chats. Regardless of the communication channel through which customer requests are received, managers will be able to process them in one chat. If a message comes from users, it will be automatically accompanied by a notification. And all those dialogues that were unread at the moment will be displayed in the chat header. This means that none of the requests will be missed. Moreover, next to the user's avatar, an icon of the messenger or social network from which he came to you will be displayed. Managers will be able to make additional notes for themselves in order to subsequently identify a particular customer and then conduct an active conversation with him. Such chats can be deleted, shared with colleagues. A quick response function is provided here, which will be very convenient when working with the most common questions. And one of the most significant advantages of the chat is that you can place an order and even choose a delivery method directly during the dialogue.
  • Segments. This is a tool that allows you to sort both the customers themselves and the orders by certain parameters. For example, you can select the customers who have made the most orders in the last month, those who have brought your business the most income, and even those who have refused to buy. This is what will allow you to highlight the most effective and, conversely, the weakest points in your marketing strategy, and make the appropriate adjustments. Perhaps you have missed issues related to increasing loyalty on the part of the consumer market, and the situation can be improved by offering customers additional bonuses and discounts.
  • Mailings. And here we will collect full statistics on electronic newsletters including the open rate, the number of clicks on links.
  • Rules. We are talking about using marketing mechanics, setting rules for each of them and then tracking the effectiveness. So, this can be a tool such as upselling, which increases the average purchase check, personal dates that allow you to create an individual offer, such as a birthday offer for the buyer, seasonal and holidays - discounts tied to the seasons or general holidays and much more.
  • Notifications. Along with pop-up notifications, RetailCRM also has a side menu where absolutely all notifications coming into the system, including new tasks, will be collected. You will get access to this panel regardless of which section of the system you are in at the moment.

Main advantages of RetailCRM

If we talk about the main advantages characteristic of the RetailCRM service, then here it is worth highlighting:

  • Very wide functionality. Today it is one of the widest among all CRM systems existing today.
  • Simple and convenient communication with clients. Various communication channels are supported, it is possible to combine all orders coming from one person into one block, simplify subsequent processing and sending.
  • High level of data protection. Only a registered user can work in the system. Two-factor authentication is provided here. The rights to the content are received exclusively by the manager and you, as the head of the business.
  • Full control over the order history. You will see all the actions that your potential customers perform, you will be able to analyze errors, which will not allow the client to go through the sales funnel and facilitate the placement of an order.
  • The presence of a location link, personalized mailings. This is what allows you to increase the efficiency of working with each potential buyer, to offer him the most profitable and interesting solutions for each of them.
  • Constant control over the status of orders, the presence in one window of all the information on each of them, starting from the moment of registration and up to delivery.
  • The ability to use the service for free. Yes, the functionality in this case is somewhat limited, but not critical. For most representatives of online business, these capabilities will be more than enough.
  • Technical support. Even users of the free tariff can contact the developers for competent help. Moreover, the reaction from specialists is immediate. Problems are solved competently and promptly. Moreover, a glossary has been created here - a subproject with all the terms and basic concepts, which will be especially useful for new managers. They will be able to quickly and easily grasp the essence of the work.
  • Availability of an application for working from mobile devices. Solve production problems promptly, regardless of where you are at the moment, whether you have access to a PC or not.
  • Flexibility of settings. The application can be easily customized to the specifics of your own business, making it the most convenient to work with for yourself.
  • Communication with the buyer is conducted in one window. This means that the entire history of correspondence is saved, it is possible to study call records. Managers will never lose the thread of communication and will systematically lead the client to placing an order.
  • Powerful analytics. Without any third-party tools and services, you will receive all the data that will ensure the effective operation of your business.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then here we highlight the presence of modules that work exclusively on a paid basis, as well as the impossibility of entering data retroactively. But, you must agree that in comparison with all the advantages that we described above, this is really a trifle that is not even worth focusing on.

But the developers of the RetailCRM CRM system did not stop there. They continue to improve their product, making it more and more functional and convenient for customers.

The latest RetailCRM updates

The latest 10th version of the RetailCRM tool received a number of updates and additions, which made it even more convenient to work with. In particular, we are talking about such mechanics as:

  1. Abandoned cart. Managers will unobtrusively remind customers who added products to the cart, but did not place an order about it. At the same time, you can offer an additional discount, a promotional code for a new purchase, remind about points that may soon expire, or select other offers that will encourage customers to return to their orders again and this time lead to the purchase. The short time this tool has been running has shown that on average 20% of abandoned carts were converted into completed orders.
  2. Customer activation. We are talking about those people who used to make purchases from you, but have recently stopped doing so. Those who do not open emails with your newsletter and many other inactive customers. The system will automatically make a selection of such categories of customers for you, and you, in turn, will be able to send them engaging content.
  3. A welcome chain, that is, sending a series of letters to potential customers. At the very beginning, such letters will contain information about the brand and simply introduce the person to your business. Then you will be able to send information about your new products, loyalty programs, and at the very last stage - discount promo codes, which should motivate them to make a purchase.
  4. Adding newsletters to WhatsApp. Recent studies show that using this channel to interact with potential buyers has increased the percentage of newsletter opens by up to 90%. For comparison, a regular email newsletter gives a maximum of 20% opens. In addition, you can initially set up newsletters in RetailCRM for individual segments, taking into account people's income level and other parameters of the target audience.
  5. Using A/B tests. This tool is also presented in the "Newsletters" section. It will be useful when launching promotions, sweepstakes. It allows you to analyze the sender's name, the title itself, and even the body of the letter to choose the winner. The starting points here can be the number of opens, clicks, the number of orders coming from the newsletter, the highest purchase amount, etc.

You can test all these tools today. To do this, you just need to log into your account.

Let's sum it up

We hope that now you understand why the RetailCRM CRM system has become so popular among companies specializing in online sales. This is a truly advanced tool with extremely broad functionality, capable of significantly increasing the level of customer service, improving sales figures, and identifying weaknesses that prevent a company from achieving the desired level of sales.

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