TOP programs for convenient work in social networks
Today, social networks are in consistently high demand among a huge number of users of different ages and interests. They have become an indispensable tool for disseminating useful and interesting information, bringing a new product, brand, service to the market, and promoting them. Sales, advertising, business development – all this is only part of the opportunities that provide a modern user Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other sites . But you can organize effective work only with the use of multi-accounting. That is, having one profile will not provide you with the desired effectiveness of promoting a product, brand or service. But if there are several of them, then the coverage of the target audience will be as wide as possible, and the efficiency of work will be much higher.
But in this case, it will be quite difficult to implement all the work on your own. Mass likers, mass followers, Internet marketers, SMM specialists and all those who specialize in working in social networks need special assistant programs that will allow them to complete the task with a minimum waste of time, and in some cases, money. Works such as adding friends, mailing, placing likes, writing comments, automatically filling in personal pages, parsing data, cheating can be safely entrusted to specialized software. Now let's look at the TOP 10 applications that may be useful to you in your work. If you are planning to deploy work on Instagram, it will be useful to know how to organize autoposting using mobile proxies.
A brief introduction to programs for automating actions in social networks
Now let's look at 10 categories of software that are designed to greatly facilitate and speed up the work of promoting accounts, goods, services and brands in social networks.
- MultiSender to send messages automatically. The developers have released two products designed to work with social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki: VkMultiSender and OkMultiSender, respectively. Great for advertising. Among the main features are the distribution of comments on groups and communities, on photo and video posts, on user walls. You can set certain limits for captchas and messages on one personal page, set a timer. Moreover, these applications are able to bypass security checks, identify captchas using the built-in tools Antigate, RipCaptcha, RuCaptcha. Offers to get acquainted with the program OkSender in more detail, its functionality, features of work.
- Active to automatically boost likes. The best option for solving problems that does not require an integrated approach. It is also available in two versions: for the social network VKontakte (VkMultiActive) and for Instagram (InstaActive). Along with mass liking, this program provides opportunities for mass posting and reposting. Active supports multithreaded proxies as well as mobile proxies. If necessary, you can set limits on cheating, set up detailed statistics for each of the promoted pages. So you can easily control the workflow, make adjustments to it as needed.
- VkSolver for automatic filling of a large number of personal pages. Allows you to create complete profiles in the shortest possible time. Also, its functionality includes a subscription to random accounts, communities and groups, preliminary cleaning of pages. Directly in the workflow, you can make changes to privacy settings, give or remove access to accounts. From the name it is clear that it is focused on working with the social network VKontakte.
- VkMotion for page promotion. It is focused on the automatic cheating of their accounts on the social network VKontakte. Its functionality includes putting likes, reposting, including the possibility of adding your own notes to the repost, placing comments, sending complaints (with an indication of the reason). It also provides for the processing of communities (joining groups, publics, meetings, reposts, likes on avatars, first posts on the walls) and users (adding friends, likes, reposts, sending complaints, blacklisting users).
- VkJoin to add as a friend. The program is focused on working with the social network VKontakte. It belongs to the narrow profile, because its main task is to add friends to your pages. Among the features of the software, it is worth highlighting the presence of User Agent randomization, a random delay between adding users. Additional program features: bypassing security systems, automatic captcha entry, providing detailed statistics for each personal page. I am able to work in multi-seating mode with classic static proxy servers, supports mobile proxy.
- FirstCommentVk for posting comments on the social network VKontakte. The program is able to automatically check the appearance of new posts, solve captchas. As soon as she identifies a new note, she will immediately send a comment herself. Among the functions of the application, it is also worth highlighting the presence of authorization by login and password, minimizing to tray, support for attachments, the ability to leave random comments, copying the behavior of a real person as much as possible.
- Data parsing. In this category, I would like to mention several programs VkSearch, VkVideoParser, VkCommunityParser, VkThreadParser. Mostly these are free parsers for those who work with the VKontakte social network, allowing you to customize the work according to individual wishes. So, their functionality includes parsing from communities, from search, from friends' accounts. It can also be links to users, digital IDs, parsing Instagram logins. You can set the method of sorting by users in the issue, set up saving the results to a text file. Geolocation (country, city), educational institution (school, university, including graduation date), place of work, gender, date of birth and age, marital status, and many other parameters can be used as criteria for parsing.
- VkCleanAcc to remove friends based on specific criteria. A multi-threaded program that will allow you to delete blocked users, those whose profiles have been deleted temporarily or permanently, closed communities, those who do not log into their account for a long time or have not set an avatar, younger or older than a certain age criterion, by gender, city and etc. There are a lot of settings here. You just need to make the appropriate settings.
- VkGroupFilter for those who specialize in placing comments. An excellent program that is able to automatically find groups where comments are not closed. That is, you can use them at work. It is easy to set up and manage, which is largely determined by a fairly narrow functionality. From you in the work you just need to click on the "Start" button.
- UserAgent – this is a program that will allow you to identify the operating system and device from which the visit to the site was implemented, those functions that are supported by the browser, as well as a number of other information. Thanks to it, you can filter out outdated, irrelevant data.
These are just some of the programs you can use when working with social networks. There are quite a lot of such solutions for automating user actions on the modern market. But all of them require the additional use of proxy servers.
The best proxies for working with social networks
The best option when working with social networks – private mobile proxies. They are endowed with a number of significant advantages even in comparison with stationary classic servers, not to mention free analogues. They work on the technical capabilities of cellular network operators, which ensures high connection speed, convenient and fast rotation in geolocation, GSM networks. To work with multi-accounting, it will be enough to have only one server at your disposal, while in the case of using classic proxies, you would have to connect a separate server to each personal page.
And here we would like to draw your attention to mobile proxies from the MobileProxy.Space service. In this case, you get a multifunctional product that simultaneously works on HTTP(S) and Socks5 protocols, a personal dedicated channel with unlimited traffic, access to almost a million pool of IP addresses, their quick change by timer (interval from 2 minutes to 1 hour ) or forced by reference. Here you can learn more about MobileProxy.Space, current tariffs and order the service quickly, easily, profitably.