CRM Marketing as an Effective Tool in Business Management

CRM Marketing as an Effective Tool in Business Management

Doing business in any case involves attracting the attention of potential buyers, retaining the client. A lot of time, effort, and money are spent on the implementation of these works. But will all these investments justify your expectations? The situation when a company launches advertising, buys a mailing list, makes cold calls, but still does not receive clients is, alas, not uncommon. In this case, attracting an audience is very expensive and does not justify itself at all. Quite successful businesses have encountered similar situations, having learned from their own experience that attractive promotions and bright advertising are far from all that is required for successful development.

The fact that you launch a large number of leads on your site, but are unable to retain them, will not ensure your stable development. Therefore, from the very beginning it is necessary to focus not just on the audience, but directly on the target consumer, the one who will be interested in your products and services. And it is also important to know through which channels it is worth interacting with him, to discard from consideration options that will require resource costs from you, but will not give the desired result.

So how to organize all this in practice as correctly as possible? One of the best solutions in this market segment today is offered by CRM marketing. This approach involves collecting information from different sources, structuring it and then processing it in order to develop a strategy that will certainly give excellent results in practice.

In today's review, we will go into more detail about what CRM marketing is, what business tasks it should be used for, and highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of this method. We will talk about what tools can be used to implement this method and what information is being collected in this case. Let's highlight those areas where the use of CRM marketing will be indispensable in the process of business development and will provide excellent results in practice.

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What is CRM marketing: getting acquainted with the concept

The basis of any Customer Relationship Management or, as we are used to calling it, CRM marketing is a CRM system. It will be the central link in managing the entire sales cycle. In work, it looks something like this. Your company uses end-to-end analytics to control the channels through which your audience initially contacts your business. After that, information about target clients is saved in the CRM system. In parallel with this, a duplicate search is carried out to identify information that the company already has on a particular person. In its work, the CRM system integrates with a fairly large number of services. Only thanks to this it is possible to obtain the most complete picture, which among other parameters will also include:

  • user behavior on the resource: how long he spent on the site, what pages, product items he contacted, whether he added products to the basket, etc.;
  • control over the e-mail newsletter, in particular, whether your message was delivered, whether the person opened it, whether he followed the link;
  • analysis of interaction through other communication channels, including social networks, online chats, instant messengers;
  • history of phone calls;
  • a set of characteristics based on which it will be possible to understand the nature of how your client moves along the sales funnel.

During the execution of these works, the CRM system also collects and processes other information, including interests, demographic parameters of the buyer, the amount of completed transactions and the average time on them, the frequency of purchases and many other characteristics. Most of these characteristics will be saved in the system automatically, meaning you won't have to waste time managing them.

The information obtained will be useful to business representatives to determine typical segments of the target audience and develop strategies for interacting with them that will be most effective in practice. Moreover, you will be able to visualize the sales funnel, and will get a lot of opportunities to analyze the effectiveness of your own business development strategies.

That is, CRM marketing is a solution that can improve the efficiency of your online store or any other company whose activities are related to the sale of goods and services by using personal information of customers. This technology combines research of the user audience, management of launched marketing campaigns and the sales process itself. With this information, you can offer each market segment an individual approach, which with a high degree of probability will lead to the transformation of a person into a regular customer.

Problems solved by CRM marketing

CRM marketing is a technology that can be used in practice in many areas, increasing the efficiency of business development, ultimately bringing good profits. But, despite its wide functionality, first of all, this technique is able to solve 4 key problems facing any company specializing in the sale of goods and services. In particular, we are talking about the following:

  1. Ensuring repeat sales. CRM marketing can show how customers interact with your company. That is, you will see which products are of most interest to people and, accordingly, direct your advertising campaigns to them. You will understand which offers your audience responds to more actively, and which ones less. This is what will allow you to make offers to buyers that are guaranteed to interest them and motivate them to make new purchases.
  2. Formation of increased loyalty on the part of the market, which will contribute to long-term and strong relationships with your business. If you understand the desires and interests of buyers, if you can satisfy them, show an individual approach, then people will definitely appreciate it and will return to you for purchases again and again.
  3. Warming up the market and increasing engagement rates. If you know which buyer your business should target, then it will be much easier for you to offer them your products and services. Thanks to CRM marketing, you will not have to act blindly, putting forward theories and testing their effectiveness in practice. That is, when the advertising budget is spent. Here you will initially send such letters that the recipient will open and read, prepare a bright and effective Push advertising that will resonate with potential customers. That is, you will know how to engage consumers in interaction with your brand and will be able to build the most trusting relationships, which will positively affect sales.
  4. Maintain a high brand reputation. Show yourself on the market as a reliable and responsible company - this is only half the task. It is very important to subsequently show yourself from the best side, indicating to consumers that they made the right choice. It will be much easier to do this if you clearly understand who you should focus on, what services or products to offer, and can actively interact with potential clients through different channels.

As you can see, CRM marketing can solve a number of key tasks facing almost any business, increase its efficiency and avoid key mistakes. But here it is very important to implement everything as correctly as possible. That is, you need to understand the nuances of this issue, understand the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology.

Advantages characteristic of CRM marketing

Let's start by getting acquainted with the strengths characteristic of CRM marketing. Here, first of all, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • Ensuring comprehensive control over user actions. Modern CRM systems are able to record every action of your potential client that he will perform on the site. This could be an interaction with an email, a pop-up notification, a call, or a conversation via messenger. This is what allows you to track the buyer's progress through the sales funnel, noting the moment at which the interaction stopped. This way, you can analyze the reason why the order never went into processing. With this information, you can avoid similar problems in the future and lead your client to take the target action.
  • The need to adapt to new working realities. Yes, using a CRM system in practice will greatly simplify the work of the staff, primarily due to the automation of routine tasks. But the main difficulty here is that you still need to implement this product into work. This means that you need to make the appropriate settings, and the staff itself must undergo training. Considering that the system is quite flexible, there are a lot of nuances in its settings. But the overall effectiveness of CRM marketing depends on the correct solution of these problems. That is, it will take a fairly serious period of time to configure the system to the specifics of your business, as well as train the staff in all these nuances. This is what will also delay the effect of launching the product into work.

Can all these features be called disadvantages? Most likely, no. These are just nuances that you need to understand and be prepared for. The fact that with the right approach, the effect will be and it will be quite impressive is This is a fact that has been proven in practice more than once.

Tools used by CRM marketing

After you launch a CRM system, you will see how many new opportunities your business has. Work processes will become more flexible, efficient, and thoughtful. There will be no wrong or hasty decisions or waste of funds. If we talk about the main tools typical for modern CRM marketing, then it is worth highlighting the following solutions:

  1. Automation. With the help of a CRM system, you can automate mass mailings, data storage, report generation, task creation, etc. The program will collect and systematize a large amount of information for you, which will greatly simplify the preparation of forecasts and will allow you to verify the correctness of the launched marketing strategies.
  2. Integration with third-party services. We have already mentioned that additional services and platforms can be connected to any CRM system, thereby increasing the efficiency and convenience of working with it. This is largely due to the fact that users will no longer have to use dozens of different programs, since they will all be combined into one, but with very broad functionality.
  3. Maintaining a customer database. The CRM system will generate separate cards for each client, indicating the relevant information in them. Not only personal and contact information will be stored here, but also the entire process of interaction between customers and your business. In particular, these will be purchase histories, requests, phone call records, all purchases, both earlier and current, as well as a lot of related information that will be useful in subsequent interactions with the client.
  4. Visualization. You will see how each client moves through the sales funnel, you will be able to use the filtering and segmentation system to see the entire process of interaction with the audience in the most comprehensive manner and clearly identify weak points, ensure more effective management of the behavior of the user audience. Also, high visualization will be observed in the context of the work of the sales department, which will allow you to control the actions of the staff, encourage the most active employees. Those whose work brings your business the maximum profit.

But let us repeat that in order to organize the most effective work, it is very important to correctly perform all the necessary settings and learn how to use all these tools.

How CRM Marketing Works: Main Stages

Before moving on to direct communication with the target audience, it is important to carry out a number of preparatory activities, which will include the following work:

  1. Preparation of business analytics. Here we are talking about compiling a portrait of the target audience. General characteristics of potential buyers are collected, in particular their gender, age, income level, preferences. The product features, advantages, and disadvantages are also clearly described. It is also very important at this stage to select the most effective communication channels for subsequent work, to develop tactics that will help increase audience loyalty and improve sales figures. The expected results and approximate timeframes for achieving them are also mandatory. This will allow you to understand how successfully your marketing strategy is being implemented.
  2. Setting goals and objectives. At this stage, all the ideas that were described in the previous paragraph acquire more precise specificity. Here, the desired result is already indicated and what tasks it will require from you to solve. It is here that it is important for you to determine what the subsequent vector of your company's development will be.
  3. Determining a set of key indicators based on which you will check the effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing strategies. These are the so-called Key Performance Indicators (KPI), which will literally show you in numbers whether you are moving in the right direction. These parameters will also allow you to calculate sales turnover, approximate profit.
  4. Collecting information about the target audience. Now it's time to create customer cards, writing in them all the necessary information for subsequent interaction. To obtain all the necessary information, specialized online forms, instant messengers, email, telephone lines are used. Information about the purchase history, the location from which the site was visited and the time, the direct content of all correspondence, dialogues and a lot of additional information can be added to the card. All this is sorted and saved in the most convenient form for perception and subsequent work.
  5. Segmentation of the target audience. Based on all the parameters that will be set by the manager, the system will divide the entire customer base into separate categories. You choose the parameters for segmentation that suit you. This can be gender, age, income level, marital status, region of residence, professional activity, etc. Thanks to this, you will be able to subsequently make personalized offers for an entire category of people, ultimately receiving the maximum return. It is convenient that here you can also assign the most relevant status to each client card, such as “Communication”, “Order”, “Paid”, “Contact”, etc. Thanks to this, you will be able to see at what stage of interaction with your business this or that client is, without even going to the product card itself.
  6. Development of working scripts. At this stage, you create a personalized action scenario for each consumer segment, describing the content, quantity, and format of messages. You also select the channel and nature of communications that will be most relevant to the script. It is also very important to consider the time of interaction. As an option, messages with New Year offers will be sent only at the end of autumn, in December, while in January they will be completely irrelevant. It is worth sending out offers with holiday goods on the eve of vacations, and with school goods - before the start of the school year.
  7. Launching the script. After you have already created a working script, you begin sending out messages. To perform this work, both built-in CRM system tools and third-party services that you have previously integrated into it are used. So, in practice, instant messengers, social networks, SMS, or mail services are very often used.
  8. Control over feedback and analytics. No marketing strategy should be carried out without analyzing the results. That is, if you do not control the efficiency of the launched work, you will not be able to understand how correct your decision was and identify the mistakes made. Therefore, it is very important for managers to process incoming leads, convert them into repeat or new deals. The client's behavior is analyzed without fail, adjustments are made to his personal profile, and changes are made to the strategy, if necessary. For example, those who have already placed orders with you can be sent offers to buy a new product at a discount, invitations to participate in a drawing, etc.

Most of the first 7 points need to be configured once. That is, only the last point will be constantly performed. But if necessary, adjustments can be made to pre-developed strategies and scripts designed to increase the efficiency of the work performed.

Data that will be used in CRM marketing

A modern CRM system is This is a tool that allows you to collect almost any information about the audience that is useful for the marketer and the business in general. Most of the parameters we are talking about are:

  • E-mail address. This information is provided by users when filling out questionnaires that are given to them at offline business offices or sent via e-mail. This will be used to launch mailings to identify the interests and preferences of potential buyers, create personal loyalty programs, and implement trigger communications.
  • Other contact information. This may be a phone number, a link to a profile on social networks, a nickname in messengers and any other information that can be used to identify a specific client. This information will also be used to create loyalty programs, mailings of promotional offers and other information.
  • Name, gender, age. This is the information that will be required when creating product cards in the CRM system database, as well as subsequent segmentation settings. This data is collected through the user's personal account, as well as via the Internet during delivery or placing an order.
  • Features of interaction with an e-mail newsletter. Here we are talking about controlling what actions the user will perform with your letters. Will he open them, read them, follow the link or just look. Thanks to this, you can additionally configure segmentation by activity level, thereby removing inactive users from your base and focusing on those who have a higher return. This information can only be obtained through an e-mail newsletter. There are no other options for implementing these works.
  • Location. This refers to the geographical location of your client. This will help to set up segmentation by GEO. Thanks to this, you will be able to send offers with those promotions that will be relevant for residents of certain cities in the regions, you will be able to increase the efficiency of logistics by sending goods from the nearest branch. This will be especially useful for the local market. You can get this information from applications for delivery of goods, offline and online questionnaires.
  • Purchase and payment history. This is the information that the CRM system itself will create based on how users interact with the order and payment forms for goods. Thanks to this, you can see not only those transactions that were successfully completed, but also those that failed, analyze them and draw appropriate conclusions. Alternatively, it may be worth sending a personalized offer with an additional discount via email or other communication channels. In any case, it is important to understand the reason for the refusal and, if possible, eliminate it.
  • User activity on the site. Here, all the information that will indicate people's actions on the site will be important. In particular, this may be the number of pages viewed, the depth of interaction, downloading documents, clicking on links, watching videos, pictures, interacting with launched creatives. This information is mainly obtained through analytics services, as an option, the same Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica. Based on this data, you can improve the quality of interaction with the audience, launch trigger mailings and Push advertising, which will be most effective in practice.

These are the parameters that will be mandatory for collection when launching CRM marketing in any business. If necessary, you can collect other characteristics that will be relevant specifically for your company.

Who should use CRM marketing

The fairly high cost of launching CRM marketing is the point that makes many business representatives think about the advisability of performing such actions. That is why in practice such a solution can increasingly be found in companies that focus on a fairly impressive segment of the user market, those who offer expensive products. Using CRM marketing will be optimal if you work with promotional offers, loyalty programs, discount and bonus systems. Alternatively, these can also be promotional campaigns for customers, a system of accumulating bonus points depending on the cost of the check, the number of items in it, the frequency of purchases. You can offer your customers to spend the collected amount on a subsequent purchase or buy some exclusive product for it. It is convenient that modern CRM systems allow you to develop individual personal or cumulative discounts for certain categories of buyers and send out corresponding mailings.

Most CRM marketing is focused on the B2C segment of the market, where a large number of clients are concentrated. But this technique will also show itself in practice in companies that work in a fairly narrow niche. Where it is necessary not only to attract new clients, but also to hold the attention of regular ones for as long as possible. This is where it is very important to ensure consistently high loyalty rates from the target audience. Here are just a few areas where the use of CRM marketing will be most effective:

  1. Car market. Car manufacturers, a priori, work with very expensive products. And here it is important to win the loyalty of customers, to make them return to a certain brand again and again when buying a new car.
  2. Travel agencies, tour operators, hotels. Offer your clients personalized programs in combination with high-quality service and you can be sure that your clients will use your services again.
  3. Production or sale of consumer goods. There is a fairly active and diverse audience here. Therefore, you need to perform segmentation very well in order to offer each group discounts or unique programs that they will not receive from your closest competitors.
  4. Brands producing alcohol and tobacco products. We are talking about a direction that is prohibited from open advertising. For this segment, CRM marketing is the best solution for interacting with a potential audience and providing them with the most advantageous offers.
  5. Financial sector, insurance. Here the market is characterized by very low stability. Some changes are constantly taking place in it. And it is very important to maintain consumer engagement at a high level, to offer them programs that will really arouse interest.
  6. Various courses, webinars and everything that can be attributed to additional education. And here you will be able to maintain the interest of the audience at a high level, stimulate it to constantly improve its knowledge, skills, to learn something new.

By and large, CRM marketing can be implemented in many other areas, automating the work of your business, simplifying it.

Let's sum it up

Today, CRM marketing can no longer be called something new or advanced. But still, the use of this technique in practice gives amazing results, though with the most comprehensive and professional approach. This technology has already proven itself in practice more than once, allowing many companies to form a loyal customer base. But still, you should not think that we are talking about some kind of "magic wand" that will ensure the stable development of your business without additional efforts, financial investments. At least at the launch stage, you will need a lot of material costs, as well as direct participation. Let us repeat that in this case you are working for the future, but how distant it seems in practice directly depends on the professionalism of the work initially performed.

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