Increasing the number of clicks with a negative: what you need to know about it?

Increasing the number of clicks with a negative: what do you need to know about it?

The number of visits to the site, namely the number of clicks — this is the parameter that has a direct impact on the effectiveness of promoting your business online. To increase this indicator, many different methods and technologies are used today. Many of them have long been adopted by specialists. Now we will focus on one not very well-known way to increase the number of clicks. Its effectiveness has been proven in practice, which confirms a recent study. It's about adding negative words to the titles of your site's text content. It will also be useful for those involved in the promotion of Internet resources to read what clickbait and how to use it to increase the ranking of the site.

We will devote our material to acquaintance with this study and its results. Using the information provided, you can use this method in your practice to increase the number of clicks. We will also show you how to organize the work of promoting your site on the network without the risk of getting banned or falling under other sanctions of search bots.

A little about the study itself

Our review is based on a study that analyzed over 100,000 article title variations. A fairly large resource was taken as the basis. Looking ahead, let's say that this study showed the fact that the presence of negative words in the titles of posts increases the number of clicks. Along with this, positive words, on the contrary, significantly reduced engagement. The challenge faced by the researchers — simple enough. It was necessary to get a deep understanding of how playing with headlines, changing their terminology, you can increase such a parameter as CTR, that is, the number of clicks. The result of such research was a scientific work called "Negativity stimulates the consumption of news on the Internet."

It would seem that positive words are more often used when writing content for the web, including when compiling headlines. But at the same time, it turned out that the level of consumption is much higher where there is a negative in the headlines. In parallel with this, the level of consumption turned out to be noticeably lower where there are positive words. For a standard headline of about 50-60 characters, having one additional negative word increased the number of clicks by an average of 2.3%.

For the study, a special keyword analysis technique was used to identify negative terms. It turned out that most often the attention of users is attracted by headlines containing the following words:

  • damage, harm, injury;
  • heartbroken, heartbroken;
  • ugly, ugly, ugly;
  • anxious, restless;
  • angry, angry, angry.

These are the categories of words whose addition to post titles has resulted in a significant increase in the number of clicks on the site. In parallel with this, during the study, experts paid attention to positive terms, in particular, “benefit”, “laugh”, “kind”, “beloved”, “beautiful”. It turned out that, on the contrary, they reduced the number of clicks and the positive effect of the material provided in general.

And this is not surprising, because people have always attracted more attention to controversial, controversial topics. They increase engagement, make them share the information received with acquaintances, friends, and this is what the so-called viral marketing (viral): the material that carries the negative is more likely to be massively distributed: anger, fear, etc. Many social platforms support this strategy. They seek to encourage users to stay online for as long as possible, share information, post comments, likes and show other forms of engagement. Practice shows that the material that contains the negative gets more coverage and interaction. The main problem here is that online sources of information, be it news or entertainment, seek interaction from users. That is, comments, clicks, likes, etc. are important to them. But the problem is that no one takes into account what caused such a reaction in people, namely positive or negative emotions.

This means that the algorithms of modern systems do not determine the context itself. They are simple binary mechanisms that can calculate how many likes, reposts, comments a particular post generates. Conversations and proposals on how to stimulate positive online behavior among users have been going on for a long time. And it would be more correct from an ethical point of view. But, alas, the owners of Internet resources set the task for their employees to demonstrate a steady increase in traffic to the site. And no platform is yet committed to taking action to mitigate the negative — such actions would help reduce the attention of the user audience and, accordingly, increase discontent among the owners of personal pages.

And what do we end up with? The negative still prevails over the positive, disputes and anger win over logic and stability. This is exactly what this study once again confirmed.

Why is this happening?

The answer to this question is hidden in human psychology. It is on this factor that marketers work. The fact is that negative emotions cause a deeper reaction in people, make them rethink what they see or read again and again, share with friends and acquaintances. Psychologists suggest that the reason for this is that negative information activates the threat response in the brain. Knowing all the possible negative consequences, a person will be able to build a plan for subsequent actions and avoid a potential threat or a painful experience.

But, no matter what logic underlies the user behavior, the output is still unambiguous — The number of clicks is higher for posts with negative headlines than those with a positive message. Will the situation change in the near future — it is impossible to say for sure. But it is highly likely that this trend will continue for a long time, which means that users will more actively follow those links that will contain a negative message. Along with this, the predominance of positive words in the title will lead to a decrease in the number of clicks.

This trend is actively used not only in viral marketing, but also on news portals. If you analyze them, it seems that every news site presents the material with the worst interpretation. Everything is aimed at causing as many disputes and discussions as possible, which in the end will cause additional traffic.

But here it is also worth thinking about the question: how reliable is the information presented? It is highly likely that content makers deliberately add negativity to the material presented only in order to increase the number of clicks. Nor do they care about the fact that they are often far from the truth. This is what caused another wave of distrust in the media. People who every day are convinced that they are being presented with lies from TV screens, news sites, vnimaniya.html">social networks there are more and more every day.

Only the users themselves will be able to correct this situation, if they stop reacting so violently to any negative, learn to distinguish the truth from disinformation and lies. But for now, all this is still in a fairly distant future. Today, it remains relevant that content with negative, and in some cases even wild headlines will have higher citation.

Do you personally use it? Decide for yourself. We just said that focusing on the negative, especially in the headlines, can have a positive impact on the number of clicks and the level of your income in general. We do not in any way encourage the creation of controversial, unverified content in order to increase the number of transitions. Yes, a more reliable solution in both the short and long term — creating material that will be really useful and interesting to the user audience. This can be ensured only with the help of an integrated approach to the development of a strategy and its implementation in practice.

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