Advertising campaigns on Facebook: testing, optimization, scaling
Planning and subsequent implementation of advertising campaigns on the same social network Facebook — This is a rather complex and comprehensive process that requires a creative approach, constant monitoring, and making quick decisions. Over time, creatives become overly saturated, audience interest decreases, and trends change. And if all these points are not monitored, all the funds allocated for advertising will be wasted, since its effectiveness will be very, very low. But at the same time, an advertising campaign on Facebook — This is an opportunity to attract the attention of as large a user audience as possible to your business, attract the interest of new clients and retain the attention of regular ones. This is what will allow you to effectively stand out from your competitors and maintain a leading position in your niche.
In this review, we will go into more detail on how to test the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns launched on Facebook and perform optimization. Also learn in detail about the most effective ways to scale, which will allow you to reach a new user audience.
Features of testing the effectiveness of Facebook advertising campaigns
Regardless of what advertising budgets you are willing to allocate to a particular strategy, you must initially start with small amounts. Depending on the geography of its distribution, for the most part, 5-15 dollars per advertising group will be enough. And based on this, all possible combinations of targeting settings are generated. Thanks to this breakdown, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy for different target groups and find among them those that can bring you conversion. Also, different types of context are compiled in order to find the most appropriate option for communications with certain users. Only after you have completed these preliminary works will you be able to create the structure of your advertising campaigns.
The received data is ultimately processed and analyzed. Both effective and ineffective groups are identified. Thanks to this, you will subsequently be able to redistribute your advertising budget, directing it to those groups that are in contact with you and are ready to cooperate. Also at this stage, the audience coverage and the prospects for increasing coverage in the future are assessed.
That is, the test period — This is the stage during which you can determine which of the options for communicating with your target audience on Facebook works most effectively. And the remarkable thing is that all this can be achieved within a small budget.
The entire process of testing Facebook advertising campaigns will consist of the following key steps:
- Create a list of target groups and load a targeting combination for each of them. The number of saved audiences for one target group may vary. It all depends on how much budget you are willing to allocate for this work.
- Sorting groups depending on data, not a portrait of the target audience. Thus, Facebook has a separate “Inspector” tool, which can pull up audiences from bases that are outside the target groups, but have similar data.
- Formation of the communication component of testing. If you already have a global strategy for communicating with the audience, which is used on any other platforms, be it the official website, other social networks, messengers, then you can already use it. But if there are no developments yet, then the work will need to be done from scratch. Here you should take into account the desires and needs of the user audience, the problems they encounter in practice and what you are ready to solve with the help of your product or service. That is, for each such insight you need to write your own message.
- Creating a list of creative objects that will take part in testing. This could be a picture, video, feedback button, etc.
It is impossible to say for sure how long your test period will last. As practice shows, companies operating in the B2C segment of the market can complete high-quality testing in an average of 1 month, while for the B2B segment this period will be approximately 2 times longer. The main thing at this stage — see the most effective solutions and further stabilize them. That is, it will be necessary to further optimize direct indicators and their derivatives.
Features of optimizing and stabilizing the performance of advertising campaigns on Facebook
Optimization of advertising campaigns on the social network Facebook — this is an automated process. That is, initially the webmaster forms a certain sample, and then makes adjustments to advertising impressions based on targeted user actions that were obtained at the testing stage or during the previous period of the advertising campaign. Here the main emphasis is on the homogeneity of the data obtained. Only in this case will it be possible to talk about reaching the target audience as accurately as possible. If it turns out that the results for users differ, and quite dramatically, then the system will automatically continue to select people until complete homogeneity is achieved.
It is impossible to scale up advertising campaigns on Facebook before stability is achieved. In this case, you will not get the desired results. You must understand that scaling — it's just an increase in terms of volume. That is, if there is an effect, it can be increased. We are talking about indicators such as frequency, CPM, CTR. That is, if you increase them by a certain number of times, you will get the same stable result, but in a larger volume. It will be enough to perform just a CPA correlation. If you perform scaling work before stability of indicators is achieved, then the results will also be varied. The automated algorithm cannot understand to whom it should show this advertisement and to whom it should not show it.
To stabilize advertising impressions, they must initially be collected. And since we are talking about the social network Facebook, here to ensure stable optimization the system requests 50 targeted actions every week. This allows you to get stable movement and see the intersection of results. If the quantity is too large, then the system will not be able to combine diverse indicators and will search further and perform the reduction. And this can continue indefinitely. As a result, there will be fluctuations in performance, which will have a negative impact on scaling as a whole.
And one of the most important tasks that will face webmasters, SMM specialists — this is to help the system collect this very data. This can be done by managing optimization methods.
Suppose you are dealing with an advertising campaign designed to increase conversion to a specific website through Facebook profiles. You can see that the indicators have dropped significantly as a result of the fact that the previously optimized selection you performed has already exhausted all possible options. If you do not make any adjustments to the budget or manually set the bid, then the impressions will remain as they were, but the coverage will drop significantly. The situation in this case can be corrected by transferring optimization as an option to viewing the landing page and making clicks. This way you can improve existing indicators and only then place your bet on conversion again. That is, the system will receive an additional set of data to work with and will be able to make a deeper and more expanded selection, selecting new conversions. But it’s worth expanding the sample itself very carefully and step by step.
Here it is also very important to remove from consideration and subsequent work those targeting indicators that have shown minimal effectiveness in practice. That is, for each group we identify parameters that do not give the desired result, and money is wasted. In this case, specialists need to narrow the field for selecting a user audience as much as possible. This will help your automated Facebook system learn correctly by hitting the target more accurately. As a result, your costs for an advertising campaign on Facebook will be reduced.
As soon as you are convinced that the system has begun to reach exactly the target audience, that is, all indicators have stabilized, there is no scatter, then you can safely move directly to scaling.
Features of scaling advertising campaigns on Facebook
So, you launched an advertising campaign on Facebook, pre-tested it, carried out optimization work and see that all your efforts were not in vain — everything is working. Now the question itself arises: isn’t it time to scale it up in order to increase efficiency and, accordingly, income level? Yes, such a solution would be advisable, but in any case it will require a considerable investment of money. That is, if you take steps to scale advertising on Facebook, then you need to do this as correctly and correctly as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining everything and reducing the effectiveness of the strategy to zero.
In order to improve targeting, optimize budget management and at the same time get the highest possible results, you can use different strategies. The most effective solutions that are used in practice today include:
- Broad targeting.
- Advantage+ placement.
- Audience expansion.
- Audience exclusion.
- Increase your advertising budget.
- Duplication of advertising campaigns.
- Duplicate ad groups.
- Scaling using advertising accounts.
Now let’s look in more detail at each of these scaling methods and highlight their key features. The information presented will allow each of you to choose the Facebook advertising scaling option that will be most effective in practice in your case. We also suggest studying the issue of bans of advertising accounts on Facebook in order to prevent such troubles.
Scaling with broad targeting
Using broad targeting — This is one of the most effective strategies in running Facebook advertising campaigns. When the built-in algorithms of a social network work with minimal restrictions, the best results can be obtained. This means that you will only need to provide the system with basic recommendations, as an option, indicate the age of your target audience, its geolocation, and then give complete freedom to the algorithms in determining your consumers who will perform conversion actions.
The main advantages characteristic of broad targeting include:
- Higher return on investment. Due to the fact that in this case it will be possible to reach the most impressive user audience, the income from launching an advertising campaign will increase, despite the fact that the amount of the initial investment will be the same.
- Optimization of material costs. For the most part, broad targeting will require less money compared to other technologies. This is achieved by displaying advertising in the most effective way.
- Increasing return on advertising costs. In this case, the invested funds pay off more efficiently, and companies receive higher profits. This is largely ensured by wide audience coverage and optimization of advertising launch costs.
But we would like to draw your attention to the fact that broad targeting involves optimizing not the traffic itself, but the purchases themselves. That is, it is necessary to ensure that Facebook’s built-in algorithms focus directly on the audience that is ready to make purchases. Thanks to this, conversion significantly increases, along with it the overall effectiveness of the launched campaign.
That is, we can confidently say that broad targeting — This is a solution that will significantly increase revenue from a launched advertising campaign. In this case, the main emphasis will be focused directly on the purchases themselves, which will lead to lower advertising costs and lead to greater returns.
Scaling with Advantage+
Advantage+ placement is similar to advanced targeting in many ways. In particular, it also involves minimizing any restrictions and interference in the operation of the algorithm, which ultimately leads to an increase in the efficiency of the launched campaign.
The main advantages of this solution include:
- Possibility of optimizing budget expenses. This will be especially convenient if you launch an advertising campaign not only on Facebook, but also on other social networks, including Instagram and Audience Network. That is, the system determines which of the platforms and launched solutions have a greater effect and which have a smaller one, thereby directing financial flows in the right direction to achieve maximum effect.
- Adaptation in automatic mode. During the testing stage, it may turn out that advertising on one of the social networks works better than on another, in particular with automatic placement. In this case, the algorithm will independently select those sites where advertising effectiveness is higher, which in itself will lead to an increase in efficiency and, accordingly, conversion.
- High return on advertising costs. This is achieved through a fairly wide range of advertising placements, in particular where its effectiveness is known to be high. This means that your ad will reach the target audience on the platforms most suitable for them.
That is, such a scaling solution should be used by those who plan to go beyond the Facebook social network and run advertising simultaneously on different platforms. Here you can fully rely on the built-in algorithms in the process of allocating advertising budgets and choosing the most suitable places to place ads. Thanks to this, there will be a noticeable increase in conversion and reduction in costs. That is, the launched company will become more profitable. In addition, you will not have to waste time on manual settings, since the entire process will be fully automated.
Scaling by expanding your audience
In this case, we are talking about giving algorithms access to a wider user audience. So, as an option, many advertising companies have restrictions on location and age restrictions. If you even slightly expand the same geography, literally by some 5-10 km, increase the age range by 1-2 years, you will see how much the efficiency of the launched company has increased. That is, you can attract the attention of more people.
If you have previously used detailed targeting, you most likely indicated some behavioral factors. This is what also narrows the audience. Here you must understand that in this case advertising will be shown not only to people with certain interests, but also to all those users who are somewhat similar to them.
Alternatively, if you previously ran an advertisement that was focused exclusively on cities with a population of over 1 million, then you can expand the audience if you reduce this limit to the same 500 thousand. That is, there will be quite a lot of options here. The main thing — navigate the possible solutions and choose the one that will be most effective in your case.
Scaling by excluding audience
At first glance it may seem that this solution is the opposite of the previous one, but this is not so. What we're talking about now is dividing your entire target audience into 2 separate groups: those who have already clicked on your ad or otherwise interacted with it and new potential customers.
Among the main advantages of this solution we highlight:
- Ability to launch two separate advertising campaigns: for new clients and for retargeting. In the first case, you will need to target exclusively those users who have not yet interacted with your brand, and in the second – work with already so-called “warmed up” audience
- Obtaining the most accurate information about the cost of attracting customers. This is ensured by eliminating the mixing of different audiences. That is, you will clearly understand what costs are involved in working with a particular category of the consumer market and understand which clients will be cheaper for you to attract.
- Increasing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. This is achieved by optimizing the budget and increasing conversion. Here you will clearly see what goal you are targeting, you will be able to set up the most precise targeting, which will ultimately lead to lower costs for starting a company, but at the same time ensure higher efficiency.
That is, excluding one or another category of audience from advertising campaigns when scaling on Facebook in practice gives good results. You will also be aware of the costs involved in attracting different categories of people and, accordingly, will be able to optimize the budget, improve conversion and the final results of running ads.
Scaling by increasing the advertising budget
This is another strategy for scaling your advertising budget on Facebook, allowing you to attract as many user audiences as possible and increase the effectiveness of your ads. But only in this case is it important to make extremely thoughtful decisions, and gradually, literally step by step. This is the only way to get the desired result, but avoid cost overruns.
Increasing your advertising budget should be done in the following sequence:
- Analyze the effectiveness of your ads. You must understand which ones give the best results. It’s quite easy to understand this by studying the number of clicks, comments, likes, and sales.
- Increase your budget gradually by about 20%. You should not immediately invest all the funds that you plan to spend on scaling. Make it a habit to add about 20% every few days, directing this amount to the best-performing ads.
- Keep an eye on the results. After each budget increase, check what increase it gave. Focus on the number of clicks and other key indicators. If you see that the results are good, you can increase the budget by the next 20% and so on.
- Analyze the return on investment from your actions. You need to be confident that increasing costs will guarantee increased profits. Otherwise, your idea will not pay off in practice and there is no point in wasting money. That is, you need to reconsider the chosen strategy and redistribute the budget.
That is, it will be advisable to use these scaling methods only if you see efficiency.
Scaling by duplicating advertising campaigns
You should use this method if you want to receive a large number of applications from a user audience in a fairly limited period of time. It is advisable to use this scaling method when you plan to launch a specific event, webinar. That is, here you can sell a large number of tickets, get multiple registrations, etc. in a fairly limited period of time.
In this case, you should choose one of those advertising campaigns that are already working for you. In particular, we rely on the one that has shown its effectiveness in practice and duplicate it as many times as possible within the budget you have allocated. To solve this problem, the Ads Manager service can be used. That is, you initially load the selected advertising campaign into it, and then use a tool such as “Duplicate”. Then select the “Create a new campaign” option. and indicate the number of copies that suits you best. This completes all settings.
But we would like to draw your attention to the fact that such a solution should be used exclusively for short-term campaigns. The fact is that if you use it for too long, it will lead to banal burnout of the audience, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the entire idea. The audience will simply stop responding to those ads that are already boring.
Here you should also constantly monitor the results. So, if after a couple of days you see that in some segment the effect does not suit you, then you can simply turn off this double and redirect the freed-up funds to more reliable and proven solutions. That is, even initially you should not run too many takes. Remember that you can increase their number at any time.
Scaling by duplicating ad groups
You should use this technique if you want to reach a very large user audience with your advertising, possibly over 1 million users. In practice, it should be used by those market representatives who work with goods. It is assumed that even at the stage of developing an advertising campaign, you create several groups of ads that will differ in their creatives. You allocate a small budget to each of them. Next, each of these groups is duplicated at least once, which will result in 6 separate ad groups.
The next day, through the same Ads Manager, you need to disable 1 or 2 groups that showed the worst results over the past period. We duplicate the remaining 4 or 5 again and run them again for a day and again repeat this process for several days. As a result, you will see an increase in ad groups. Even though the budget remains the same, efficiency will increase, since you are already initially weeding out the weakest solutions.
Due to the fact that you are initially targeting a very large user audience, you should not worry about the overlap of your companies: the likelihood of this will be very, very low. But here it is very important to monitor the results. If you see that your frequency is getting too high and your results are getting worse, it's time to change your creatives to new ones.
Scaling using advertising accounts
This is the last technology that we will look at in today's review. It is suitable for situations when you are faced with the task of running advertising for a large amount of money. None of the above options will work here. And the main reason – availability of limits for each advertising account. In addition, it is not advisable to initially indicate a high budget, since the system will automatically select the most expensive results for you.
A more optimal solution in this case would be to split your campaign into several advertising accounts. At the same time, you can focus your ads on the same audience, service or product, but choose your own unique texts and creatives for each of them. Thanks to this, intersection is minimized and efficiency increases significantly.
To summarize
As you can see, today there is a huge variety of ways that can ensure scaling of advertising campaigns and, as a result, increase their effectiveness and income level in general. Which option from the above will you choose for yourself — this is an individual matter. You should proceed from the available funds, individual preferences, as well as a huge number of related nuances. But in any case, you will need to carefully monitor the results of your work and make adjustments to the strategy. This is the only way you can get the maximum return on your investment and get the greatest profit.
For the most part, these works involve multi-threaded actions on a social network, the use of tools, automated actions, etc. It is impossible to ensure work here without additionally connecting proxy servers. The system will instantly identify such actions and block the accounts in which they are carried out. Therefore, in parallel with thoughts about scaling your advertising campaign on Facebook, think about where to buy the most reliable intermediary servers suitable for you. One of the best solutions on the modern market is offered by the MobileProxy.Space service. Follow the link to get to know these mobile proxies in more detail and purchase them for yourself for a period of time ranging from 1 hour and up to 1 year.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the longer the purchase period, the cheaper it will ultimately cost you to use mobile proxies per day. Study the current tariffss to assess your own material benefits. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact our 24-hour technical support service for competent assistance.