Correct conversion statistics from contextual advertising: how to get it
Traffic arbitrage — These are the jobs that require a specialist to have a fairly comprehensive and versatile approach, as well as the most accurate and reliable statistics. That is, you need to constantly be aware of the effect of the actions you take. Thus, you are given the opportunity to make timely adjustments to them, which will increase the efficiency of the launched company, and at the same time the invested funds. It is also necessary to understand what happens subsequently with the traffic provided, how it turns into applications, and then — on sale.
Modern arbitrageurs use in practice a huge number of tools and technologies that allow them to attract the target audience to a particular site. But the basis of any company is often contextual advertising. But its cost is quite high. But it will fully justify itself if you clearly understand the sales funnel itself based on the attracted traffic. Let us dwell on this aspect in more detail. We'll show you how to work correctly with contextual advertising in terms of traffic arbitrage. Let's dwell a little on the features of CPA networks. Here are a number of recommendations that will allow you to obtain reliable and clear statistics, as well as ensure the most stable and functional work on the Internet without any risks or restrictions.
Traffic arbitrage and contextual advertising: how they are related
Before moving on to a direct acquaintance with the features of traffic arbitrage using contextual advertising, here are a few terms that will be used in this review:
- Traffic arbitrage. This is redirecting users to the customer’s website. These works are carried out by arbitration specialists. They receive payment for each person who goes to the site, making a purchase there of goods or services or any other targeted action (these nuances are specified in the cooperation agreement between the arbitrator and the customer).
- CPA network. This is a platform through which customers and affiliates interact with each other. It provides guarantees to both parties and provides convenient ways for them to interact. The site charges a certain commission for its intermediary services.
- Offer. This is an offer from the advertiser (customer) to the arbitrator, which describes all the terms of cooperation, including what targeted actions the user must perform on the advertiser’s website in order for the arbitrator to receive payment for the attracted lead.
Now that you are oriented in theory, you can move directly to practical recommendations. It is necessary to clearly understand that contextual advertising in conjunction with traffic arbitrage has a number of nuances that must be taken into account in practice.
Specific features of contextual advertising within the framework of traffic arbitrage
To optimize material costs for contextual advertising, you can use the following solutions:
- organize near-target traffic;
- initially indicate the rate that will be acceptable to you within the framework of this project;
- divide search promotion and work directly in the Yandex advertising network into two separate companies that will run in parallel;
- limit the daily budget by redirecting the maximum display volume to night time;
- divide advertising campaigns into different regions, which will accordingly lead to a redistribution of the budget.
This is a set of basic techniques that are used when working with contextual advertising. They can be classified as classic solutions that will be relevant in any direction. Since at the moment we are talking directly about traffic arbitrage, there are a number of additional nuances that will be specific to this particular direction, significantly limiting the capabilities of the webmaster:
- lack of direct access to data on how much profit each sale brings;
- lack of ability to monitor the conversion of the site as a whole, as well as for each of the individual pages: there will also be no opportunity to influence it;
- lack of access to analytical data, including certain behavioral factors.
As you can see, a specialist who deals with traffic arbitration cannot get the most comprehensive three-dimensional picture of the work being performed. This means that its impact on the conversion of customer sites will be minimal. That is, you will not see how the funds you have invested work, how they will be justified. Yes, you will see that people come to the advertiser’s website, but through what channel exactly you attracted them, what direct action they take on the site, and even whether you will receive money for attracting this or that person, you will not know. As a result, not only the effectiveness of using contextual advertising decreases, but also the feasibility of its use in principle is called into question.
Is there a solution to this problem? Eat. This is CPA networks. With their help, you can track the conversions of the traffic you bring, which means you can adjust your work and increase the effectiveness of contextual advertising.
A little about the features of CPA networks
Working with CPA networks — This is a fairly simple, convenient and quick-to-use solution for both arbitrators and advertisers. All this interaction can be divided into a number of sequential actions:
- You, as a webmaster, register in the CPA network. This site presents offers from a large number of different advertisers.
- You get acquainted with all the offers presented on the site and choose the one that interests you at the moment. Be sure to read all the terms of cooperation so that you do not have any difficulties or ambiguities in the future. Submit your application
- The advertiser receives this application, gets acquainted with your profile and proposal, if everything suits him, he approves your candidacy. Accordingly, you accept the offer.
- The CPA network also receives confirmation of the availability of an order from the advertiser. After the advertiser deposits funds into the account, the network receives confirmation of payment, after which the interaction process begins.
- Upon completion of the project, the webmaster receives his payment, and the site — intermediary commission.
As you can see, the CPA network — this is the link between two parties: the advertiser and the arbitrator. In turn, it acts as a guarantor for the webmaster, collecting data on completed conversions. As practice shows, most CPA networks offer performers lower rewards for lead generation than when working directly with an advertiser through an affiliate program. But for this you are guaranteed stability, as well as the confidence that you will definitely receive an honest financial payment. Although, sometimes the rate in CPA networks for offers can be even higher. You just need to carefully get acquainted with all the offers and choose the one that will satisfy your request not only in terms of the level of payments, but also in terms of ease of use. You can read more about the features of CPA networks here.
That is, these sites have a tool at their disposal that allows them to accurately track all sales coming from attracted traffic, including that generated directly by contextual advertising. This means that when working through them, you will be able to optimize your material investments and get the maximum effect from them.
The nuances of obtaining statistics on contextual advertising for an affiliate marketer
Not only the direct participants in this process, but also the CPA network will benefit from how convenient, productive and effective the interaction between the advertiser and the affiliate is. That is why sites put a lot of effort into making the daily work of webmasters simpler, more convenient and more efficient. This is especially true for fairly large platforms that have been operating on the market for a long time. In particular, with their help you, as a performer, will be able to:
- Set up direct integration with the largest CPA networks via API. Such a solution will be optimal for specialists who work not through platforms, but through affiliate programs. That is, you do not have to be a client of this platform to use its services. In particular, you need to go to your account settings and connect it to the affiliate network. After this, conversion information will be collected automatically. A special identifier “subid” will be added to each affiliate link. This is a parameter that can segment traffic, which in the future will significantly simplify its analysis and will allow you to highlight those requests that are followed by a transition, which will ultimately lead to the completion of a targeted action, that is, a conversion.
- Attract targeted traffic through a separate domain, from which a potential client will be redirected thanks to this tool. This solution for obtaining statistics will be optimal for affiliate marketers who plan to redirect traffic from their resource to the advertiser’s website. To implement this in practice, you need to attach an additional parameter to the link - an identifier, which will be read by Yandex.Direct when each user navigates.
- Use js code to advertise through the aggregator. This option is worth using for those who use thematic website aggregators in practice in order to attract targeted traffic. In this case, the js code and identifier parameter are installed using contextual advertising automation services. Thanks to this, the cookies will store information about which key was used and where a particular transition was made.
- Analyze the number of store sales. This method of controlling conversion is relevant for those who independently promote their online store or other platform. In this case, you need to add the “subid” parameter directly to the advertising link. It will also be saved in cookies. Also, using CPA networks, you can receive postback links in order to set up simple and convenient integration with one or another online store.
Now let’s look at 2 examples of the use of contextual advertising by affiliates in practice, and also show the visual results of the work done on graphs.
Attracting customers to an online cosmetics store
Now we are talking about a situation where a webmaster launched traffic using contextual advertising to the website of a large online cosmetics store. The work was carried out simultaneously in two directions: through automatic integration with the CPA network, as well as through the affiliate program. Both of these areas were launched simultaneously and with the same material investments. This means that their results will be highly reliable and clear.
The main criteria used for evaluation were:
- the number of people attracted to the site using contextual advertising (blue line on the graph);
- number of people whose transitions did not lead to the target action (orange line on the graph);
- number of confirmed leads (gray line on the graph).
Compare the results yourself. The first graph shows the results of work through automatic integration with the CPA network, and the second graph — results of a campaign conducted through an affiliate program.
As you can see, in the case of using CPA networks, the number of refusals turned out to be significantly lower, while the number of confirmed transactions was significantly higher. Comparing these figures, we can say that with absolutely equal investments and approximately similar turnover, the rate of completed targeted actions is 2.5 times higher when working through CPA networks than through an affiliate program.
Attracting customers to an online electronics store
This example shows the results of similar companies launched by the same arbitrator for a fairly large online electronics store through contextual advertising using CPA networks (option 1) and through an affiliate program (option 2). As in the previous version, the investments here were the same and the work completion time was also the same.
The following parameters are used here:
- the number of people who managed to bring to the online electronics store through contextual advertising (blue line on the graph);
- the number of people who never completed the expected target action (orange line on the graph);
- number of users who can be classified as confirmed leads (gray line on the graph).
As in the previous example, the first graph shows data obtained when working through CPA networks, and the second graph — through affiliate programs.
Despite the different focus of the online stores we are considering, the results of the work performed will be identical: when working through CPA networks, there is a significant increase in confirmed transactions and a noticeable decrease in the number of refusals. If we compare the numbers themselves directly, then confirmed transactions in the first case will be 3.2 times higher than in the second.
To summarize
As you can see, obtaining reliable and visual information about conversions coming from contextual advertising for the webmaster through CPA networks — A fairly simple and effective solution that absolutely everyone can use. In addition, by working through such platforms, you minimize the risk of being deceived by an unscrupulous customer: you will have detailed statistics on hand, and in all sales funnels – the exact number of leads that you managed to transfer to the advertiser’s website thanks to contextual advertising. With this data, you can get the most out of your investment.
But do not forget that in any case, all the tasks that a webmaster has to implement in practice require multi-threaded and diverse work. It will be necessary to use programs that automate your network activities, ensure confidentiality of work and reliable protection from unauthorized access. It is also often necessary to bypass regional blocking and gain access to resources from different countries of the world. All this can be achieved easily and simply using mobile proxies, in particular from the MobileProxy.Space service. Thanks to this, you get a reliable intermediary server, which in the workflow will replace the technical parameters of your user device with its own, providing you with a high level of anonymity and security when working on the network as a whole.
For more than reasonable and justified means, you receive:
- personal dedicated channel with unlimited traffic;
- access to more than one and a half million pool of IP-addresses from different countries and regions of the world;
- quick and simple IP change using a timer in the interval from 2 minutes to 1 hour or forcefully via a link from your personal account;
- simultaneous operation via HTTP(S) and Socks5 protocols thanks to connection to parallel ports;
- the ability to change not only the IP address, but also geolocation and cellular network operators in the workflow;
- 24-hour technical support service that quickly and professionally resolves issues that arise, ensuring stability and broad functionality of using mobile proxies.
More details about the features of this solution can be found at the link . You can also check the current rates. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that they may differ depending on the region, as well as the period of purchase: the longer the period for which you purchase mobile proxies, the cheaper a day of use will cost you.