Brand Authenticity: Why it is Important, How to Establish, Modern Trends

Brand Authenticity: Why it is Important, How to Establish, Modern Trends

Today, almost every business has its own online presence. This is what allows it to attract the attention of as many users as possible, talk in detail about its products, services, and establish communication. Online presences also help to increase brand awareness and increase the level of loyalty on the part of the consumer market. But not every website, social media profile or messengers shows good results in practice and lives up to the expectations that resource owners directly placed on them. And here the conclusion itself suggests itself: something went wrong. And this problem can only be solved in one way: find out the reason and make appropriate adjustments.

One of the important nuances, which, if implemented correctly, allows you to achieve good results in the work of online representations is brand authenticity. Unfortunately, this parameter is not remembered right away. If the online representation does not work properly, does not give the desired results, then the content, advertising effectiveness are initially checked, the actions of competitors are analyzed and many related works are carried out. But the problem is not solved: the audience is not attracted, there is no profit.

Within the framework of this review, we will dwell in more detail on what brand authenticity is and why it is so important for business, we will highlight its main components. We will tell you what benefits you can get from the correct positioning of your name on the network. We will highlight the main mistakes that business representatives make when forming their own authenticity. We will provide practical recommendations that will allow you to implement brand authenticity in your business as correctly as possible. We will tell you what modern tools can be used in practice to increase consumer loyalty and brand recognition.

What is brand authenticity

The term brand authenticity implies the degree to which it is perceived by the target audience and other interested parties as an honest, genuine supplier of goods or services that deserves trust. And here it is not only about a beautiful name, a bright logo or a creative slogan. The main secret is hidden in how responsibly the company treats its responsibilities, fulfills its own promises, follows the goals and objectives that it has set for itself. Only the brand that cares about its authenticity will be able to win the trust of the consumer market, create a customer base, partners who will treat the company as loyally as possible.

But this is not such an easy task as it may seem at first glance. Today, the consumer market is literally littered with diverse information, an abundance of advertising. Its representatives find it very difficult to understand all this, to identify the essence in the abundance of loud phrases. This is why authenticity is becoming increasingly popular in the fight for the loyalty of the target audience. That is, your task, as a business representative, is to show that you care about your individuality, you have your own mission and you promote it on all channels and platforms, use it in practice when interacting with potential clients.

You can achieve this goal in the following ways:

  • Define the key goal of your brand and the value around which all work will be focused. That is, you yourself must understand and tell potential buyers about why you created your brand. At the same time, we discard the option of making a profit, because everyone understands it anyway. Here we are talking rather about the principles, beliefs on which the work of your company is built. If you manage to form a convincing and clear goal, then it will become the basis of your future individuality, authenticity. It would also be useful to think over the history that led to the emergence of the company. One that will certainly evoke a response from your customers, and a positive one at that. Alternatively, you produce your own educational toys for children. The main goal in this case will be to ensure that modern children develop from infancy in a playful way with safe and interesting toys. The value of the brand in this case is caring for the younger generation, its adaptation to the challenges that they will have to face in the future. The story here can also be quite classic: you yourself have a child or several, and you saw how insufficient the market of toys with a developing component is, decided to fix it by developing your own unique line.
  • Ensure maximum consistency of actions when working with your brand. It should be traced in the goals and missions of the company, all those publications that you will post on online pages. That is, regardless of how many channels of interaction with the target audience you use, each of them should clearly trace the goal and value. Moreover, all this should also be transformed into those products or services that you supply to the market and even in customer service. This is the only way to form a holistic image of the company, make it as recognizable on the market as possible, easy to remember.
  • Bet on honesty and transparency. This is relevant not only for goods, services, but also for all those processes that occur within your company, those practices that are used when working with the consumer market. Never make statements or promises that you cannot fulfill. Anything false or exaggerated will be quickly identified and perceived extremely negatively by the user audience. Empty promises are a sign of irresponsible and unethical behavior, which will immediately be extended to the brand's products. That is, the reputation suffers, and along with it, the loyalty of the consumer market and income levels decrease. Moreover, it is necessary to learn to admit your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions. No one is immune from risk and unforeseen situations. Anything can happen that will ultimately prevent you from fulfilling your obligations. Therefore, it is better to admit it, indicate the reason for what happened and try to correct the situation as quickly as possible.
  • Take care of the attractiveness of your brand and responsiveness. Communication with potential buyers, partners and other interested parties is the basis of trusting relationships. That is, you must delve into the interests and requests of your clients, listen to their wishes, take into account their needs and then compare them with your capabilities. It is important to respond to user requests in a timely manner, regardless of whether they are positive or contain complaints or dissatisfaction. In any case, communication should be respectful. You should show a desire to provide all possible assistance in solving the existing problem. To increase the level of involvement, you can periodically organize various events, seminars, launch interactive activities or simply organize conversations. First of all, this will be useful for your business, since during direct communication you will be able to find out the interests of your potential clients, convey information about yourself to them, and build more trusting relationships.
  • Show yourself to the audience as an ordinary person. It is good that your brand has its own individuality, values, voice. But with all this, it is also important to remain human. And this means that you cannot forget about emotions, impressions, your own opinion. Your brand, just like an ordinary person can be sad about some external events. He can rejoice in his own achievements, share them with his audience. This will allow people to understand that there are real people behind your company, those who have feelings, desires, experiences. You should not depersonalize yourself, hide behind a bunch of goods, services. “Be simpler - and people will be drawn to you”, - this is the phrase that is relevant in the case of brand authenticity like no other.

To implement such ideas, you can use different channels of interaction with the target audience, different formats. Alternatively, this could be your brand's official website, social media or messenger profiles, blogs, videos, podcasts, online events. Ideally, make sure that the logo, slogan, brand voice, color palette, and even the style of the images you publish fit within the agreed framework of authenticity. Thanks to this, you will be able to demonstrate your individuality and, at the same time, humanity to your target audience. People will always be closer to real stories. Those that they could, so to speak, try on for themselves. That is, only through general consistency and identity will you be able to form brand authenticity.

Why is it important not to neglect brand authenticity?

We have already talked about the fact that authenticity is one of those aspects that have a significant impact on the loyalty of the user audience on the formation of trust in your company and, as a result, in the goods and services that you supply to the market. Thanks to it, customer involvement is formed, sufficient trust on their part, which will ultimately become the basis for long-term cooperation, stable income, and increased profits of the organization.

That is, by forming an authentic brand you can:

  1. Get the most loyal group of customers. The modern market is overflowing with suppliers of the same goods and services. Consumers have a lot to choose from. But with a high degree of probability, they will turn to those with whom they feel an internal connection, whose values and aspirations coincide with their own. It is important to understand that a loyal customer is not only a regular customer. This is someone who will defend your company, who will share their impressions of it with their friends, write positive reviews, and give good recommendations. But only a brand that the audience considers genuine can count on such recommendations.
  2. Improve trust from customers and business partners. Trust is the basis of absolutely any relationship, both personal and business. This has become especially relevant in the era of accelerated development of digital technologies, when there is no direct communication, visual interaction. People get information about your company exclusively from what you write yourself, what reviews previous customers leave. Before agreeing to cooperate, they will definitely evaluate the honesty and reliability of the company, believe that cooperation will not disappoint them, that they will not be deceived. Recent studies have shown that over 80% of online buyers of goods or services will not place an order until they are confident in the reliability of the company.
  3. Increase the involvement of the target audience. We are talking about the degree of interaction between the consumer market and the brand. If we talk directly about social networks, then the level of involvement is measured by the number of likes, reposts, comments, subscriptions. Engaged customers are those people who already have a positive attitude towards your company and its products. If a new product comes out, they will buy it without any doubts and appreciate it. As a result, you will have to put in a minimum of effort and money to promote the new product to the market. In the same study that we mentioned above, it was found that about 60% of consumers rely on brands that they follow on social network pages.

What do we have in the end? That properly formed brand authenticity can solve three key tasks that any business faces: increasing loyalty, trust, and engagement among the target audience. This is what guarantees you the presence of regular customers who are positively disposed to interact with the company, its products, and services.

In order not to make a mistake when performing these works, it is important to understand what problems and pitfalls brand authenticity has.

Avoiding common mistakes when forming brand authenticity

Unfortunately, you will not be able to form the necessary authenticity for your brand overnight, even if you have a great and sincere desire. These are the works that must be carried out consistently literally from the very beginning of the launch of the brand itself on the market. And at this stage, you may encounter a number of problems and challenges. But, as they say, forewarned is forearmed. And now we will talk about the mistakes that brands most often make in practice. Knowing them, you will be able to think through a strategy in advance and avoid mistakes that can negatively affect the reputation of your company as a whole:

  1. Inconsistency in your own judgments. In practice, this problem is especially common where work is carried out with the audience through different channels, by different people. As a result, it turns out that the same topic, covered on different platforms, can be contradictory. And if the consumer sees, and the probability of this is quite high, then the level of his trust will be significantly reduced. How can you rely on companies that speak contradictorily on the same topic? That is, to avoid such problems, it is necessary to think through all your subsequent actions within the company and extend them to absolutely all channels of interaction with the target audience. It is important to follow the main goals and ideas, adhere to one opinion on certain issues, observe the voice of the brand, the tone and style of communication with people, the visual component. It is optimal for one person or a group of people interacting with each other to work on promotion in your company on social networks and other platforms. It is also important to ensure that your words do not diverge from your actions. As an option, let's return to the topic of children's educational toys. You position yourself as a company that supplies the market with safe products that promote the development of children, but at the same time your products contain low-quality plastic. There is a high probability that consumers will simply consider you a dishonest manufacturer or supplier. That is, it is important to ensure that your words completely match your actions. You work for a huge audience. A large number of people are watching you. And this means that the probability that your mistakes will be noticed is very, very high.
  2. . Lack of relevance. Here we are talking directly about the relevance of your brand, as well as the goods and services that you supply to the market. To cause a negative reaction from the audience, you need to understand the needs that they have, find ways to satisfy them. That is, if you can understand what your customers are interested in, can offer them relevant and truly valuable solutions, you can be sure that their attention to your brand and loyalty are already in your pocket. So, if you sell children's toys, then first of all focus on parents. Most of them are people aged 25-35. That is, the presence of outdated jokes and inappropriate links in your texts can seriously damage your reputation. Young parents will simply consider you out of touch with reality, and even the highest quality toys will not be able to restore their faith in the opposite. That is, first of all, you need to create a portrait of your target audience, understand what expectations they have and then work on satisfying them.
  3. Depersonalization. We have already talked about the fact that humanity is one of the essential components of brand authenticity. People should see you as a person with their own interests and feelings. Even the most professional and businesslike communication will not cause the desired feedback. Therefore, when choosing a brand voice, do not neglect conversational forms. Light jokes will be appropriate. Even mood swings are what will show potential buyers your humanity. Do not rely exclusively on the features and advantages of your brand and the products it supplies to the market. Do not build a wall between yourself and your buyers, be detached from the problems that exist in society today. Communicate with people, try to understand them, share your own feelings, impressions, talk about ideas and initiatives.
  4. Boredness. Many business representatives go too far in an attempt to show the audience their professionalism. As a result, their publications on websites, in social networks look too boring, bland, monotonous. As a result, such a business simply merges with competitors. It has nothing to stand out from the crowd. Ordinary people are not interested in this. After a while, they stop responding to your publications, cancel their subscriptions. That is, when working with people, do not be ordinary, boring, work on your creativity, strive to constantly develop, surprise your subscribers.
  5. Deception. In an attempt to present themselves or their business in the most favorable light, business representatives or specialists who are engaged in its promotion, allow an exaggeration of their own merits and capabilities, overstate the benefits of the product for the audience, attribute advantages that are not typical for this product. All these actions can rightfully be called fraudulent, as they mislead the potential buyer. Also, fraud can include failure to meet the agreed delivery dates of the order, making promises that are ultimately not realized in practice. It is clear that the natural reaction of customers in such a situation will be a refusal to cooperate, a negative review. As a result, the respect and loyalty of your subscribers is lost. Therefore, it is optimal to follow the principle: promised - done, if you can’t do - don’t promise.

Exclude these mistakes when forming the authenticity of your brand, and you will be able to significantly increase the effectiveness of your interaction with the audience.

TOP rules for creating honest and transparent communication

Communication with the target audience is something that can also be attributed to an important factor in successful brand authentication. This becomes especially relevant at the stage of launching a new product or service on the market, or launching a particular company. And here it is important to do everything so that the audience does not perceive you as a manipulator, a deceiver, an insincere person. When conducting this campaign, you can use the following tactics:

  1. Tell stories. These are quite powerful tools that will allow you to establish an emotional connection with the audience and will contribute to a feedback. With their help, you can convey your values and ideas to the audience, show your own individuality and humanity.
  2. To confirm your own beliefs, justify certain actions, provide facts. Stories are more emotional in nature, contribute to the "humanization" of your brand, and increase the level of engagement. But only dry facts can indicate your reliability, honesty, and professionalism. Therefore, it is important to combine content. If you have graphs or statistics that confirm your words in practice, you can safely publish them. If we talk directly about children's toys, then the fact confirming their quality will be the corresponding certificates, reviews from market experts and other authoritative sources.
  3. Make interaction with your audience as transparent as possible. Show the backstage of the business, in particular, how you produce the same toys, what materials you use. You can demonstrate how your children, the children of your employees, play with these same toys. Pay attention directly to the production process. If there are any problems, unsuccessful solutions, show them and tell how you managed to solve them.

All these are general recommendations that are relevant for absolutely any business, regardless of what niche it operates in, what audience it is focused on. That is, these are the TOP rules that should form the basis of your brand authentication. Now we will tell you about three more tools that can be used in practice. These are some kind of innovations that businesses have only recently begun to use in attempts to establish the most trusting and fruitful relationships with the audience.

New criteria in brand authentication

If you rely on social networks when promoting your brand, it is also important to adapt your authentication to the requirements that exist on the platform today. In particular, I would like to draw attention to such a term as an algorithm. It first appeared on the TikTok social network. It assumes that users will be automatically offered content to view that is clearly relevant to their interests. Let's say, personalized and selected on the basis of these very internal recommendation algorithms. Subsequently, other social networks quickly adopted this solution. As a user of these platforms, you probably saw that as soon as you pay more attention to viewing some material, the platform will literally offer you publications on the same topic the next time you visit.

Therefore, when working with your brand and building your own strategy in social networks, you should definitely pay attention to these very algorithms. The main features characteristic of recommendation content include: compliance with user interests, relevance and popularity among other users. Three separate tools will help to implement this in practice:

  1. Multicommunity.
  2. Unification of generations.
  3. Brand magnetism.

Each of them can be attributed to one of the latest innovations in such a direction as brand authentication. And many experts agree that it is on them that communication with the user audience will be formed in the future. Let's consider each option in more detail.

What is a multi-community

Above, when we talked about brand authentication, we already mentioned that one of the most important tasks here is to form a society of people who would treat your company as loyally as possible. And these are the values that can be called eternal. But the way to attract the attention of the audience itself has now changed, and radically. Previously, the emphasis was on advertising, but modern consumers are simply tired of it. Moreover, they simply stopped noticing various videos, banners. Now the consumer market has more trust and interest in the opinions of bloggers and other public figures.

Moreover, recently the market has been betting not so much on hyped and well-known influencers, but on micro-, nanobloggers. Each of them has their own community that is loyal to them. Such communities can be formed not only around a certain person, but also around certain events, attracting interested people. The topic of ecology, vegetarianism, fashion trends, healthy eating, sports and much more can be raised here. And if your brand also picks up one of these topics in its publications, then it will fit into the interests of users as organically as possible and, accordingly, will have every chance of being included in the recommendation algorithms. That is, the platform itself will offer your content to interested categories of users, based on their interests and the materials that they have viewed previously.

What is the unification of generations

Classical marketing involves preparing content for a particular age category of users. So, if the business is focused on young people, then it is worth offering lighter material filled with humor. This category of users may even like game content, including quite provocative content. Older people were offered more meaningful, informative material containing analytics and conclusions.

Today, the approach to communication strategies has changed. The focus is on content that would be interesting and useful for absolutely every user. That is, it is necessary to prepare material that would fit into the context of everything that is happening around us, would have value both for the information field and for a specific person. Only then will it be possible to obtain organic content that every user will perceive with interest. One example of such material can be called memes. This is something that will be understandable to absolutely everyone. The only thing is that it is necessary to choose the most suitable option, to play out certain consumer situations.

That is, today, when preparing content, you need to bet on it being relevant, useful, expert, with a creative presentation. But it is better to hide the commercial note, or even remove it altogether. If you manage to interest people without advertising, you can be sure that they will also pay attention to the goods and services that you provide to the market.

What is brand magnetism

Here everything is simple: you need to make sure that your brand literally attracts potential customers. This can be ensured by interesting publications, various giveaways, events, and, of course, high-quality goods and services. Do not forget to promptly respond to certain events, since users follow not only your news, but also how you, as business representatives, react to external events. They are interested in your own opinion, fresh ideas. It is on this principle that subsequent communication is built, trust in you and your brand as a whole is formed.

Let's sum it up

Attracting the attention of modern audiences to certain products or services is not as simple a task as it may seem at first glance. And the abundance of communication channels does not solve this problem, and in some cases, on the contrary, even worsens it. The fact is that you need to form a single image of your brand, which will be simultaneously promoted on different platforms, increase your recognition, and allow you to win the loyalty of the consumer market. When developing brand authentication, you must strictly follow the key goals and objectives that you set for your company, monitor current modern trends, quickly respond to external events, and express your own opinion on what happened. It is important to show people that you are a living person, and not just a product, even the highest quality one.

To implement such ideas, it is necessary to carry out a fairly large-scale and meticulous work related to market analysis. This is what will allow you to identify the interests and preferences of the user audience, determine your own competitive advantages, and establish fruitful interaction with potential clients. It will be very difficult and costly to implement all this work manually, at least in terms of time. Therefore, it is worth using a tool such as mobile proxies. With their help, you can automate the data collection process, launch multi-threaded work in different social networks and other sites, without fear of running into blocking and other restrictions.

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