PBN to promote sites in a highly competitive niche
Everyone who has faced the task of SEO-promotion resources knows how difficult and time-consuming work is to be done when promoting resources in an overheated market segment. That is, where there is high competition in a niche, standard methods and techniques will not be enough to bring the resource to the top of the search results. And already here, to achieve the goal, all methods will be good, including those that belong to the category of "gray". In this case, we are talking about PBN — Private Blog Network.
Now let's dwell in more detail on what this technique is, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of its application. Let's get acquainted with the main varieties of PBN, the stages of creation. We will also touch upon such issues as creating a network of sites and deploying them on a hosting, etc. We will show you how to maximize the efficiency of these works without the risk of running into a ban.
What is PBN
PBN — it is a grid of sites that specialists create in order to get a relatively free, but at the same time completely controlled external link mass. Such a solution will greatly help in promoting certain landing pages of your Internet resource. Literally translated, Private Blog Network sounds like a network of private blogs. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate domains at auctions. Alternatively, you can also use those domains whose registration was not renewed by the owners or other abandoned sites.
I want to draw your attention to the fact that with this technology you get a convenient way to build external link mass to your site. But still, for the price, such a solution cannot be called cheap. You also need to understand that the effectiveness of the measures taken will be observed only if, together with PBN, you also use other SEO optimization tools. You can enjoy all the benefits of a private blogging network if you have a team of specialists and a sufficient set of resources at your disposal. That is, you must maintain and develop all these sites.
Who would benefit from using PBN? To all those who are constantly forced to literally cling to their position in the search results, as well as to all those who want to get to the top with an extended snippet. In this case, you cannot do without Private Blog Network.
What else do you need to know about this? Here are the highlights:
- Long.
- Expensive
- Stressful.
PBN – this is long enough
In order to find a domain with an existing history, check it (it is necessary to establish whether the topic has changed, how close it is to what you are planning to promote to the market), find resources that are as close as possible to the topic, check the link profile, execute research on blacklisting will take a lot of time. And only after that it will be possible to start creating designs, filling photos, videos and text content.
It is important here to make sure that each resource is as different from each other as possible so that search engines cannot identify them as belonging to the same owner. In addition, one text for each site will not be enough. It is optimal that their number starts from at least 10. And gradually this number should increase, that is, it is necessary to maintain the activity of the resource. And the result itself will make itself felt no earlier than in 2-3 weeks, because indexation has yet to be done. And now consider for yourself how long all this will drag on.
PBN – it's quite expensive
All the work that we talked about in the previous block, the owner himself is unlikely to be able to perform. Here you can not do without specialists, and their work will need to be paid. Also, one should not forget that most of the work is carried out using specialized software, and it is – paid. You will also have to connect services to work that allow you to find and analyze certain sites. You can save some money at this point if you connect a specialized company to work. Let the cost of services here be higher than that of freelancers, but they will already have all the necessary tools at their disposal and you will not have to pay extra for paid programs.
As practice shows, the cost of a domain in a narrow competitive niche will be much higher than in a wide one. You also need to understand that at work with the preparation of resources included in the network of private blogs, your actions will not be completed. In the future, this grid will need to be maintained. This means that your staff should always have an SEO specialist and a copywriter, because the sites will need to be constantly supported, filled with new material, optimize the old one.
PBN – it's quite stressful
At the beginning of the review, we already said that PBN is a gray optimization method. That is, such networks are not completely prohibited, but they are not particularly welcomed by search engines. And this means that you will have to reliably hide your actions. It is important to make sure that your mesh is not identified by any search engines, nor competitors. Otherwise, you will simply fall under the filters of anti-fraud systems and lose all your investment. That is, you will constantly be on the verge, which will bring a lot of psychological stress. We will have to regularly deceive search engines in order to hide our activities and prevent the system from identifying you as the sole owner of all resources in the Private Blog Network.
Key Benefits of PBN
But if things are so bad, why use PBN? Everything is not so clear here. Judge for yourself:
- A network of private blogs will give you a great link mass. This is especially true for the so-called overheated niches. Even if you buy links from exchanges, if you work on outreach, then PBN will provide you with a much more significant increase in traffic.
- A network of private blogs will give you a great link mass. This is especially true for the so-called overheated niches. Even if you buy links from exchanges, if you work on outreach, then PBN will provide you with a much more significant increase in traffic.
- If it is important for you to move up on high-frequency queries, phrases that are in the TOP-30 in your market segment, then PBN will become a very effective and reliable assistant in promoting the main resource.
- Competent, professionally organized work of PBN sites will allow you to control the link profile as comprehensively as possible. You can be sure that external transitions will be relevant all the time, that is, no one can delete them without your knowledge. And this means that the quality of the resource will be constantly maintained at a sufficiently high level. The only thing that can reduce the quality of links from donor sites is a change in search engine algorithms.
- The ability to change links leading to relevant pages of the site being promoted. You can easily download this or that article from a donor resource, increasing the weight of links to the main pages at times.
- Donor sites will be as close to your topic as possible. That is, they will intersect quite closely in their niche. And if you fill them all with unique and really useful material, think over the markup to the smallest detail, you will get quite an impressive result.
As you can see, everything is not so simple here. This means that in its segment, in particular, when promoting resources in highly competitive niches, PBN can become your fairly reliable assistant.
Main varieties of PBN
For the formation of all these private blogs can be used:
- Social networks. For them, quite popular platforms for blogs are used. This option will be optimal when promoting low competitive niches. It is characterized by relatively low investment and relatively fast results. To accomplish this task, you need to create a website or a blog on a relevant topic, including using free designers, fill out a profile, collect semantics, fill it with content and links leading to the main site. What is important to consider here is that all sites on such platforms will lead not only to your resource, but also to other trust sites from the site. In addition, they can be directed not only to the main page of the site, but also to others, including a blog article. Here it is very important not to forget about the usefulness of articles, because they should interest users and help them switch to the main resource. The main difficulty — search for domains with a positive history. You must understand that the dubious quality of the former resource hosted on this domain can significantly reduce the weight of your link mass.
- Recovered networks. Includes all those resources that have been restored from the Internet Archive. Here you need to understand that there is always a risk of getting to a site that is under the filters of search engines or even blacklisted by them. That is, you can purchase a resource that will not be indexed, which means that all your efforts and funds will be wasted.
- Niche sites. These are the resources that the owners themselves sell. Here you can find those that will be quite close to your subject. In doing so, you will immediately see their good history. Moreover, some of their pages are already indexed, they already have traffic. That is, you can be sure that there will be no problems with their work in the future. Another plus in favor of this option is that most of these sites already have backlinks, which in itself will increase the weight of yours.
The information provided should be enough for you to determine which PBN option is best to use to increase external link mass to your site.
How to create a private domain network
To create a PBN, you need to complete a series of sequential work:
- Select a domain.
- Fill sites with content.
- Create a resource and deploy it to the host.
- Control work.
Let's consider each of the stages in more detail.
Choosing the right domain
We have already said that it is important to choose those domains that already have a fairly good link mass, which will be a significant help in your work. There are several options here:
- Expired domains. This includes all those sites that, for one reason or another, the owners did not renew on time. In this category, you can find fairly inexpensive and, in principle, good solutions.
- Auctions. Using them, you can purchase more than worthy options. Auctions work quite simply. As soon as the date of registration of a domain expires, and the current owner does not renew it, it goes to auction. Here everyone can compete for it. Your bid was the highest — you are the owner. This is your chance to get the best domains for the maximum financial benefit. But this option will only work in an automated version. And to organize this, you will need to invest a considerable amount of money.
- Services. This is the case when you do not want to personally search for a domain, but transfer work data to specialized services. You pay for their services, and they provide you with a list of sites that match your needs and topics. But still, it would be useful to independently check the solutions you like for spam and only after that make a bet.
- Selecting expired domains. The essence of the technique is quite simple: you have to perform parsing of the network (of the entire complete) and make a selection of options that meet your needs. Yes, in this case, the cost of the domain will be the lowest possible, but it's hard to even imagine how much time you will spend on doing all the necessary checks.
Collecting content
Let's note right away that we include not only text material as content, but also images, videos, all kinds of aggregators, product card data and everything that reflects the features of your main site. Initially, the semantic core is assembled, and then texts are written on its basis, the overflow is thought out. You can, of course, use other methods of obtaining from text content, in particular, generation by neural networks, translation from similar languages, subtitles from videos posted on video hosting sites. But still, the material written by a specialist for your resource will differ in maximum quality.
Deploying a site on a hosting
It is very important when deploying Internet resources not to make mistakes that would allow the system to link all sites with your main site. Here you need to provide different contact details, IP address, domain registration dates, codes, etc. The only way to do all this — work with each of the resources from a separate account. How to implement all this in practice, we will consider a little later.
Controlling the work of PBN
In order for the external link mass to work as long and efficiently as possible, so that all the funds you invested pay off and justify themselves as much as possible, it is important to continue working with these resources in the future. You will need:
- regularly fill resources with new content;
- perform financial audit;
- register all projects;
- control the work of the team;
- track results;
- ensure the storage of all necessary information;
- analyze the performance of a network of private blogs.
As you can see, the construction of PBN involves the performance of a rather impressive set of works, which one person cannot physically cope with. It requires the involvement of a team of specialists capable of closing the solution of certain issues in their niche.
Summing up
We have already mentioned a number of limitations that you may encounter in practice. This is about preventing the search engine from identifying you as the owner of the PBN and reaching the main site through this network. To ensure all this, as well as stable and safe operation in multi-threaded mode, an additional connection of mobile proxies from the MobileProxy.Space service will help. Thanks to them, you can set up work with each of the sites included in PBN through a separate IP-address. Additionally, it will also be possible to use antidetect browsers that will replace your fingerprint. Thanks to this, your network identity will be securely hidden. That is, you provide yourself with confidentiality and security of working on the Internet, reliable protection against any unauthorized access, the ability to work with in multi-threaded mode, and effective bypass of regional blocking.
Click on https://mobileproxy.space/en/user.html?buyproxy for more details on the features capabilities of these proxies and purchase them for yourself for any period of time ranging from one day to one year with a quick and easy renewal. You can also use proxy checker to make sure this product is trustworthy. With such proxies, your work on creating and maintaining PBN will be as efficient as possible and will give more than impressive results without the slightest risk of being discovered.