Increasing SEO activity the right way: websites to suit your taste and not only

Increasing SEO activity the right way: sites to your liking and not only

The main task facing any SEO specialist &mdash ; bringing Internet resources to the top of search results. And the faster the goal is achieved, the greater the profit of the business owner, and, accordingly, the webmaster. In a standard case, the process of bringing a site to the TOP takes several months. But this process can be significantly accelerated by using behavioral factors.

In this review, we will consider the nuances of boosting SEO activity for Internet resources tailored to your liking. By the way, inside — This is a category of health and beauty products. This includes weight loss products, skin care cosmetics, dietary supplements and products for proper nutrition, as well as much more. We will tell you in detail how such cheats work, whether they are safe to use. Let's get acquainted with the main services and methods that will improve the efficiency of your actions.

SEO activity boost: what you need to know about it

Under the promotion of SEO activity, we mean a set of works that imitate certain user actions on the resource or outside it. This creates the illusion of activity, which should be noticed by search bots, and as a result, increase the position of the site in the search results. Transitions to your Internet resource, comments about its activities, interaction with certain components, the appearance of requests in browsers on the topic of your site, etc. can be cheated.

The effectiveness of cheating behavioral factors will directly depend on which search engine you are working in. So, as an option, SEO activity in Yandex will have a stronger impact on site ranking than in the same Google.

Using SEO activity boost — a good solution for the following situations:

  • New keywords to be promoted. Relevant for those cases when you work with a fairly new topic or a certain category of offers. Cheat will allow you to promote new pages quickly and efficiently enough.
  • Work is underway to promote a new site. Bring a new site to the TOP of search results — not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. And it will be very difficult to do without additional activity here, especially at the very beginning of work.
  • It is necessary to return the oppositions at the top of the search results that were lost. If your site was forced out by competitors, then with the help of cheating you can quickly return it to the TOP.
  • Your site has been blocked or pessimized. As soon as the blocking period expires and your site is returned to the search results, you can return it to high positions by boosting SEO activity.

As you can see, the use of this technique is recommended only when your Internet resource does not have the desired positions in the search results. If you have a site that is already working, and quite active, then you should not use cheating. This technology belongs to the methods of "gray" SEO optimization. And this means that if such actions are identified by search bots, then your resource may be blocked or forcibly omitted in the search results. Practice shows that penalties for such actions can be quite serious. In time, they can drag on for a period of several months and up to "forever". Therefore, it is clearly not worth the risk once again.

How to reduce blocking probability?

But, nevertheless, "gray" SEO— it's not "black". This means that there is nothing particularly critical in this method. In addition, the risk of blocking can be significantly reduced if due attention is paid to working with the site itself. High-quality preparation of an Internet resource involves taking into account the following points:

  1. Composing basic SEO. Initially, it is necessary to form a semantic core, and then prepare content based on it, provide an external link mass.
  2. Technical component. In order for search bots to be able to check your resource as quickly as possible and index it, you need to eliminate any technical errors. In addition, it will be useful to work on the speed of issuance. To solve this problem, you can use a tool such as Google PageSpeed Insights.
  3. The initial position of the site in the search results. Before you start cheating, you must bring your resource to at least twenty in the search results. If this is not foreseen, search bots will quickly notice automated actions: the site cannot appear in the TOP out of nowhere.
  4. Use organic traffic. Unfortunately, you can't do without live visitors. Moreover, in order to imitate their activity and set up promotion as correctly and correctly as possible, you need to understand how the real target audience behaves.

That is, the higher the quality of the page that you plan to promote with the help of cheating, the lower the likelihood that it will fall under blocking. And if the classic website promotion on average give the result is not earlier than in 3 months, then with the help of cheating you will reduce these terms to 1-3 weeks. You yourself will be able to track the position of your resource in the search results to control this process. But at the same time, you need to understand that, no matter what cheat you use, all your actions are aimed only at one — increase the position of the site in the search results But if it turns out that your resource does not have high-quality content, is not easy to use, it will not be able to retain organic users. That is, people after entering it will immediately leave. This means that the position of the resource in the search results will still decrease. That is, you, alas, will not get a stable and durable result by cheating.

Increment factors

The behavioral factors of users may be subject to cheating. They can be of 2 types:

  1. Internal. This includes everything that a real visitor could do on the site. We are talking about factors such as reading depth, session duration, interaction with additional page elements. All this is directly related to ranking. Large brands use such a tool as cheat tips.
  2. External. This category includes all those actions that in reality could be performed by users in the search results when they go to the resource. If we talk about cheating, then in this case it will mainly be search suggestions, that is, the most popular queries that are directly related to your site.

In any case, when creating a cheat, the maximum degree of copying the actions and activity of real people is necessary. And for this you need to understand how they behave. That is, it makes no sense to set the maximum session length for sites to their liking: no user will spend so much time on such resources. Also, you should not set other activity parameters that would not be typical for people when working with sites of a similar orientation. Such actions can lead to pessimization of the site or to its blocking.

Increase site SEO activity manually

We have already said that the key to success in promoting — this is a quality site. Therefore, all your work in this direction should begin with a thorough analysis of the resource, as well as familiarity with the requirements of search engines. On this basis, page optimization is performed. Without fail, it is also necessary to increase the page loading speed, create the correct semantic core, and provide all the necessary links. That is, you need to implement a set of measures that will allow you to activate traffic to the — clean, no frills. At this stage, your task — nominate a resource to the TOP-20 of the issue.

At the next stage, we get acquainted with the behavioral factors of organic users. Here we connect specialized services to work, in particular Yandex.Metrika or Google Analytics. With their help, you can find out the following information:

  • average session length;
  • features of interaction with interactive elements of your page;
  • read depth;
  • key queries that were followed by the transition;
  • Elements of the page and the site as a whole, on which users spent the most time.

You can use the information obtained in this way in the process of setting up the promotion of SEO activity. This is the only way you can make traffic from cheats believable. One that will not cause any particular suspicion from anti-fraud systems. After the site is optimized and all the data is collected, you can proceed directly to the promotion.

Main ways and services of cheating

Cheat activity on the site can be performed using different methods and services, here are the main solutions:

  1. Bots. With their help, you can simulate user activity on the site. They are configured manually. In this case, you can use a service such as Zennoposter. Also, with the help of Browser Autimation Studio, you can make a bot for your work yourself. The effectiveness of using these bots will directly depend on how well you set them up and warmed them up. We also want to draw your attention to the fact that all these services cannot be used directly, because the systems quickly identify your address and multi-threaded actions, which will lead to a ban. To implement the task without risk and with high efficiency, it is worth using additional mobile proxies in combination with anti-detect browsers.
  2. Freelancers. Go to one of the microtask exchanges and order an activity simulation there. You just need to indicate to the performers a number of tasks that will be in front of them. In particular, it is necessary to inform them how much time they should spend on the site, which pages to visit, and which elements to interact with. The more correct and specific your TOR will be, the higher the quality of the platform with which you decide to interact, the more effective your idea will be in the implementation. But we must understand that here it's all about the price of the issue. You will need to pay for freelance work. As an alternative, we can suggest using Advego, QComment, Kwork and other script recorders for cheating.
  3. Services. The modern market offers users a number of services that specialize in automatic cheating. that is, in this case, you also have to form a technical task, indicate in it a range of tasks that need to be solved. The efficiency of work in this case will directly depend on which service you decide to work with. The fact is that search engine algorithms are very dynamic. They are constantly changing and improving. And they already know how to identify bot traffic coming from such sites. Therefore, before choosing a good option, you need to carefully test several services manually. Alternatively, you can use Serpclick, FasTop, WebVisitor.
  4. Manual winding. In principle, you do not have to use third-party services to boost the SEO activity of the site. You can do the whole range of work yourself. Yes, for this you need time, good mobile proxies and antidetekt browser. So you can freely go to the right pages and perform the necessary actions there, without causing any suspicion from the search engines. The option is labor-intensive, but "for yourself" because you can rely on.
  5. Suggestion of hints in the search. Everything is simple and logical here: if a large number of people enter the same type of queries, then the system believes that this topic is popular and starts offering the most common queries as hints. To get the desired promotion in this way, you can use both freelancers and services such as Avtodreem, Podskazkin, etc.

All these methods differ in the level of security, complexity in implementation and price. You need to compare all the parameters, weigh the PROS and CONS of each option in order to find the most suitable solution for yourself.

Additional SEO tips

To boost SEO activity on your site with minimal risk and high efficiency, use the following recommendations:

  • Select mostly low-frequency and mid-frequency keywords. As practice shows, it is for them that the highest efficiency of cheating is observed.
  • Work intermittently. You can not cheat the site from month to month. So you increase the likelihood of blocking at times. Experts recommend performing these works cyclically, lasting no more than a month.
  • For cheating, choose the landing pages of your site. It is not recommended to work with the entire resource at once.
  • Gradually increase the amount of wrapping. Initially, it is necessary to achieve an average of 30% of daily activity, and then gradually increase this number by a couple of positions. If you initially launch huge volumes, then such actions will surely attract the attention of search bots. This means that a ban will follow.
  • Keep activity stable. It is not enough to get to the top of the search results. It is also necessary to keep the interest of the target audience at a high level. And this will help constant work with the site, in particular, the addition of interesting content. This way you can constantly keep organic traffic at a fairly high level.
  • Choose exclusively private mobile proxies. Free services that are now publicly available on the — this is not an option, because they are characterized by instability in work, a low level of security. And this means that you risk running into a ban, losing important personal information. One of the best solutions in this market segment today— mobile proxies from the MobileProxy.Space service. At the link you can get acquainted with the functionality and current tariffs in detail. You can also take advantage of a free two-hour product test before purchasing it. The service also offers users online tools such as checking Internet speed, IP-address, port availability, etc.

Using these recommendations, you will be able to cheat the site to your liking and not only as efficiently as possible and with a minimum degree of risk. It remains to test all this in practice.

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